On 3/30/19 8:59 AM, Romain Francois wrote:
tl;dr: we need better C++ tools and documentation.

We collectively know more now with the rise of tools like rchk and improved 
documentation such as Tomas’s post. That’s a start, but it appears that there 
still is a lot of knowledge that would deserve to be promoted to actual 
documentation of best practices.
Well there is quite a bit of knowledge in Writing R Extensions and many problems could have been prevented had it been read more thoroughly by package developers. The problem that C++ runs some functions automatically (like destructors), should not be too hard to identify based on what WRE says about the need for protection against garbage collection.

From my experience, one can learn most about R internals from debugging and reading source code - when debugging PROTECT errors and other memory errors/memory corruption, common problems caused by bugs in native C/C++ code - one needs to read and understand source code involved at all layers, one needs to understand the documentation covering code at different layers, and one has to think about these things, forming hypotheses, narrowing down to smaller examples, etc.

My suggestion for package authors who write native code and want to learn more, and who want to be responsible (these kinds of bugs affect other packaged indirectly and can be woken up by inconsequential and correct code changes, even in R runtime): test and debug your code hard - look at UBSAN/ASAN/valgrind/rchk checks from CRAN and run these tools yourself if needed. Run with strict barrier checking and with gctorture. Write more tests to increase the coverage. Specifically now if you use C++ code, try to read all of your related code and check you do not have the problems I mentioned in my blog. Think of other related problems and if you find about them, tell others. Make sure you only use the API from Writing R Extensions (and R help system). If you really can't find anything wrong about your package, but still want to learn more, try to debug some bugs reported against R runtime or against your favorite packages you use (or their CRAN check reports from various tools). In addition to learning more about R internals, by spending much more time on debugging you may also get a different perspective on some of the things about C++ I pointed to. Finally, it would help us with the problem we have now - that many R packages in C++ have serious bugs.


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