Hi, Ott et al.:

       What's the best way to get "Travis CI" to build and test the two 
packages, Ecdat and Ecfun, that have long been combined in the Ecdat 

       Following Ott's advice and studying studying Wickham's "R 
Packages" (http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/), I was able to configure RStudio so 
it would sync using git with "GitHub.com/sbgraves237/Ecdat".  However, 
when I tried to configure "Travis CI", it said, "No DESCRIPTION file 
found, user must supply their own install and script steps".

       Earlier in this thread, I think someone suggested I make the 
Ecdat and Ecfun packages separate projects on GitHub (though I can't 
find that suggestion now).  This would not be an issue if it were all 
local without version control.  With RStudio managing my interface with 
GitHub, it now seems quite tricky.

       Thanks again to all who have offered suggestions so far.  This 
migration from R-Forge to GitHub seems complete except for the automatic 
tests provided via "Travis CI".


On 2019-06-28 22:25, Ott Toomet wrote:
> Apparently your username/password are wrong.  Can you clone/push from 
> other repos?
> You do not need authorization when cloning a public repo, so even 
> incorrect credentials may work (haven't tested this though).  But for 
> push you have to have that in order.
> I suggest you create ssh keys, upload those to GH, and use ssh 
> authorization instead of https.
> Cheers,
> Ott
> On Fri, Jun 28, 2019 at 8:18 PM Spencer Graves 
> <spencer.gra...@prodsyse.com <mailto:spencer.gra...@prodsyse.com>> wrote:
>     Thanks to Duncan, Henrik and Henrik, Brian, and Gábor:
>            I created a local copy of the new GitHub version using the
>     following:
>     git clone
>     https://sbgraves237:mypassw...@github.com/sbgraves237/Ecdat.git
>            That worked in the sense that I got a local copy. However,
>     after
>     I rolled the version number and did "git commit" on the DESCRIPTION
>     files, my "git push" command generated the following:
>     remote: Invalid username or password.
>     fatal: Authentication failed for
>     'https://sbgraves237:mypassw...@github.com/sbgraves237/Ecdat.git/'
>            What am I missing?  [Note:  I used my actual GitHub
>     password in
>     place of "mypassword" here, and this "Authentication failed" message
>     reported the GitHub password I used here.]
>            Thanks,
>            Spencer
>     p.s.  I'm doing this under macOS Mojave 10.14.5.  Also,  I added
>     ".onAttach" functions to the R-Forge versions as Brian G. Peterson
>     suggested.  That seemed to work fine.
>     On 2019-06-28 07:13, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
>     > On 28/06/2019 6:26 a.m., Gábor Csárdi wrote:
>     >
>     >> Instead, you can do as Duncan suggested, and put a README in your
>     >> R-Forge
>     >> repository, that points to *your* GitHub repositor(y/ies). Then the
>     >> https://github.com/rforge/ecdat read only mirror will pick this up
>     >> and will
>     >> point there as well.
>     >
>     > Just for the record:  that was Henrik Singmann's suggestion, I just
>     > agreed with it.
>     >
>     > Duncan Murdoch
>     >
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