Please, no.  I'd also like to disallow uppercase letters in package names.
For instance, the cuteness of using a capital "R" in package names is
outweighed by the annoyance of trying to remember which packages use an
upper-case letter.

On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 9:32 AM Jim Hester <> wrote:

> Are there technical reasons that package names cannot be snake case?
> This seems to be enforced by `.standard_regexps()$valid_package_name`
> which currently returns
>    "[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:].]*[[:alnum:]]"
> Is there any technical reason this couldn't be altered to accept `_`
> as well, e.g.
>   "[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]._]*[[:alnum:]]"
> I realize that historically `_` has not always been valid in variable
> names, but this has now been acceptable for 15+ years (since R 1.9.0 I
> believe). Might we also allow underscores for package names?
> Jim
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