On 2019-10-11 04:45, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
On 11/10/2019 6:44 a.m., Morgan Morgan wrote:
Hi All,

I was looking for a function to find a small matrix inside a larger matrix
in R similar to the one described in the following link:


I couldn't find anything.

The above function can be seen as a "generalisation" of the "which"
function as well as the function described in the following post:


Would be possible to add such a function to base R?

I am happy to work with someone from the R core team (if you wish) and
suggest an implementation in C.

That seems like it would sometimes be a useful function, and maybe someone will point out a package that already contains it.  But if not, why would it belong in base R?

      The natural thing could be to add it to another existing package.

      A list of different search tools appear in the Wikiversity article on "Searching R packages".[1]  I especially like the "sos" package, which includes a vignette, [2] but I also use RDocumentation and occasionally Rseek.  Google Advanced Search[3] is also very good;  I've used that for other things, but not searching for R packages.

      I've had modest luck suggesting additions to other packages if I write the function and documentation with good examples that tend to ensure quality.  Some maintainers reject my suggestions;  other have accepted them.

      Spencer Graves


[2] Caveat:  I wrote both that Wikiversity article and the "sos" package, so I'm biased.


Duncan Murdoch

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