Thank you both. I really appreciate your work developing R, and it is
exciting that long vector support may be coming to writeBin(). Next time, I
will come prepared with svn revision numbers to help track things down.

On Sat, Dec 7, 2019 at 6:17 AM Martin Maechler <>

> >>>>> Will L
> >>>>>     on Fri, 6 Dec 2019 16:02:59 -0500 writes:
>     > All, At first glance, a recent commit to R-devel (
>     >
> )
>     > appears to be related to long vector support.
> yes, for a very limited case, with a very nice minimal
> reproducible example and proper R bug report, where the change
> was very simple indeed , PR#17665, i.e.
>     > But as
>     > Henrik Bengtsson points out at
>     >
> ,
>     > writeBin() still prohibits long vectors. Are there any
>     > plans to add long vector support to R 4.0.0?
> well.. there *is* a lot of long vector support in R 3.x.y
> already.
> Where there are gaps,
> 1) we have to be told about (i.e. it should be a case where
>    people at least have stumbled about it) -- preferably with
>    form PR in R's bugzilla,  see
> 2) sometimes a fix takes quite a bit of time, and we would close
>    the case much more quickly if people looked at the case in
>    detail and found *how* to fix it.
>    [For the Matrix package and the case of sparse matrices,
>     I'd be very happy if a C-savvy R developer would start
>     collaborating with me to get this (incl interface to SuiteSparse)]
> In the present case, it may be that a change does not take much
> effort; my first try seems to work already .. and may just a bit
> more safeguarding ..
> So thank you, Will, for the reminder!
> Martin Maechler
> ETH Zurich  and  R Core Team
>     > x <- raw(2^31)
>     > writeBin(x, con = nullfile())
>     > # Error in writeBin(x, con = nullfile()) :
>     > #  long vectors not supported yet: connections.c:4430
>     > x <- raw(2^31)
>     > con <- rawConnection(raw(0L), "w")
>     > writeBin(raw(2^31), con = con)
>     > # Error in writeBin(raw(2^31), con = con) :
>     > #  long vectors not supported yet: connections.c:4430
>     > Will
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