Hi all,

Is the next behaviour suitable?


## [1] TRUE

utils::getParseData(parse(text = "c(F,FALSE)", keep.so=rce = TRUE))

##    line1 col1 line2 col2 id parent                token terminal  text
## 14     1    1     1   10 14      0                 expr    FALSE
## 1      1    1     1    1  1      3 SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL     TRUE     c
## 3      1    1     1    1  3     14                 expr    FALSE
## 2      1    2     1    2  2     14                  '('     TRUE     (
## 4      1    3     1    3  4      6               SYMBOL     TRUE     F
## 6      1    3     1    3  6     14                 expr    FALSE
## 5      1    4     1    4  5     14                  ','     TRUE     ,
## 9      1    5     1    9  9     10            NUM_CONST     TRUE FALSE
## 10     1    5     1    9 10     14                 expr    FALSE
## 11     1   10     1   10 11     14                  ')'     TRUE     )

I would expect that token for F is the same as token for FALSE.

Thank you!


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