
You can solve the problem in two different ways.

1. Redefine storage1 as a matrix and extract the aic *in* the loop.

storage1 <- matrix(0, 4, 4)
for(p in 0:3){
  for(q in 0:3){
    storage1[p + 1, q + 1] <- arima(etc)$aic

2. define storage1 as a list.

storage1 <- vector("list", 16)
i <- 0L
for(p in 0:3){
  for(q in 0:3){
    i <- i + 1L
    storage1[[i]] <- arima(etc)

lapply(storage1, '[[', "aic")  # get the aic's.

Maybe sapply is better it will return a vector.

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas

Às 06:23 de 03/02/20, ismael ismael via R-devel escreveu:
I am trying to extract AICs from an ARIMA estimation with different
combinations of p & q ( p =0,1,2,3
and q=0,1.2,3). I have tried using the following code unsucessfully. Can
anyone help?

storage1 <- numeric(16)
for (p in 0:3){

     for (q in 0:3){
    storage1[p]  <- arima(x,order=c(p,0,q), method="ML")}

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