I ended up finding the issue by a focused code review.

Once in the past, I had a version that would fail under one architecture but 
not another, 
in that case some help from Brian Ripley pointed me to the offending line of C 
That line read, but did not write, at an invalid memory location.   Starting 
with the 
question of "what C routines have I added or modified most recently" along with 
where the 
fault appeared to occur in my test suite, I started reading C code and found 
Revised code passes tests on the winbuilder site.

For the curious, I had a line asking "is this patient id different than the 
last patient 
id" in the C routine underneath survcheck(); I'm making sure that patients 
don't go 
backwards in time. Essentially
  for (i=0; i< n; i) {
      if (id[i] != id[i-1] )  { ...}

It is still a surprise to me that just LOOKING at this out of range element 
would cause a 
failure,  [i-1] never appears on the left hand side of any expressions in the 
... chunk 
above. Nevertheless, it was an error.   Que sera sera

A strong thanks to those who gave solid suggestions for bringing up a local 
copy of Windows.

Terry T

>>> My latest submission of survival3.1-10 to CRAN fails  a check, but only on
>>> windows, which
>>> I don't use.
>>> How do I track this down?
>>> The test in question works fine on my Linux box.
>>> Terry
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