On 3/27/20 4:39 PM, Hervé Pagès wrote:
Hi Tomas,

On 3/27/20 07:01, Tomas Kalibera wrote:
they provide an over-approximation

They can also provide an "under-approximation" (to say the least) e.g. on reference objects where the entire substance of the object is ignored which makes object.size() completely meaningless in that case:

  setRefClass("A", fields=c(stuff="ANY"))
  object.size(new("A", stuff=raw(0)))      # 680 bytes
  object.size(new("A", stuff=runif(1e8)))  # 680 bytes

Why wouldn't object.size() look at the content of environments?

Yes, the treatment of environments is not "over-approximative". It has to be bounded somewhere, you can't traverse all captured environments, getting to say package namespaces, global environment, code of all functions, that would be too over-approximating. For environments used as hash maps that contain data, such as in reference classes, it would of course be much better to include them, but you can't differentiate programmatically. In principle the same environment can be used for both things, say a namespace environment can contain data (not clearly related to any user-level R object) as well as code. Not mentioning things like source references and parse data.



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