I suspected it was partly due to the fact that ftable doesn't get much 
interest/isn't much used...

So thank you very much for answering, and for your time!

>> Dear all,
>> I haven't received any feedback so far on my proposal to make "justify" 
>> argument available in stats:::format.ftable
>> Is this list the appropriate place for this kind of proposal?
> Yes, it is.. Actually such a post is even a "role model" post for R-devel.
>> I hope this follow-up to my message won't be taken as rude. Of course it's 
>> not meant to be, but I'm not used to the R mailing lists...
> well, there could be said much, and many stories told here ... ;-)
>> Thank you in advance for your comments,
>> Best,
>> Thomas
> The main reasons for "no reaction" (for such nice post) probably are 
> combination of the following
> - we are busy
> - if we have time, we think other things are more exciting
> - we have not used ftable much/at all and are not interested.
> Even though the first 2 apply to me, I'll have a 2nd look into your post now, 
> and may end up well agreeing with your proposal.
> Martin Maechler
> ETH Zurich  and  R Core team
>>> Dear all,
>>> justify argument is hard coded in format.ftable:
>>> cbind(apply(LABS, 2L, format, justify = "left"),
>>> apply(DATA, 2L, format, justify = "right"))
>>> It would be useful to have the possibility to modify the argument between 
>>> c("left", "right", "centre", "none") as in format.default.
>>> The lines could be changed to:
>>> if(length(justify) != 2)
>>> stop("justify must be length 2")
>>> cbind(apply(LABS, 2L, format, justify = justify[1]),
>>> apply(DATA, 2L, format, justify = justify[2]))
>>> The argument justify could defaults to c("left", "right") for backward 
>>> compatibility.
>>> It could then allow:
>>> ftab <- ftable(wool + tension ~ breaks, warpbreaks)
>>> format.ftable(ftab, justify = c("none", "none"))
>>> Best regards,
>>> Thomas
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