>>>>> Kurt Hornik 
>>>>>     on Tue, 30 Jun 2020 06:20:57 +0200 writes:

>>>>> Jan Gorecki writes:
    >> Thank you both, You are absolutely correct that example
    >> should be minimal, so here it is.

    >> l = list(a=new.env(), b=new.env()) unique(l)

    >> Just for completeness, env_list during check that raises
    >> error

    >> env_list <- list(baseenv(),
    >>   as.environment("package:graphics"),
    >>   as.environment("package:stats"),
    >>   as.environment("package:utils"),
    >>   as.environment("package:methods") )

    >> unique(env_list)

    > Thanks ... but the above work fine for me.  E.g.,

    R> l = list(a=new.env(), b=new.env())
    R> unique(l)
    > [[1]] <environment: 0x55695f2f6d20>

    > [[2]] <environment: 0x55695f2f6930>

    > Best -k

Ditto here;  also your (Jan) 2nd example works fine.

So, you must have loaded some (untidy) packages / code which redefine
standard base R behavior ?


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