Apologies there is one line missing in my last email, the code should be :

foo <- function() "hello"
trace2 <- function(fun) trace(fun, quote(print("!!!")))
trace2(foo) # <- THIS LINE WAS MISSING



Le mar. 25 août 2020 à 22:02, Antoine Fabri <antoine.fa...@gmail.com> a
écrit :

> Dear R-devel,
> I don't think this is expected :
> foo <- function() "hello"
> trace2 <- function(fun) trace(fun, quote(print("!!!")))
> base::fun
> # Object with tracing code, class "functionWithTrace"
> # Original definition:
> # function() "hello"
> #
> # ## (to see the tracing code, look at body(object))
> `untrace()` has the same behavior.
> This is inconsistent with how debug works :
> foo <- function() "hello"
> debug2 <- function(fun) debug(fun)
> debug2(foo)
> isdebugged(foo)
> # [1] TRUE
> This can be worked around by defining :
> trace2 <- function(fun) eval.parent(substitute(trace(fun,
> quote(print("!!!")))
> but I believe the current behavior is undesired and it'd be better to make
> it behave as `debug()`, or to throw an error.
> Best,
> Antoine

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