On 02/11/2020 4:07 a.m., Mark van der Loo wrote:

On Sun, Nov 1, 2020 at 10:39 PM Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.dun...@gmail.com <mailto:murdoch.dun...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On 01/11/2020 2:57 p.m., Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
     > The closest to a canonical reference for a static vignette is the
    basic blog
     > post by Mark at
     > which I follow in a number of packages.
     > Back to the original point by Alexandre: No, I do _not_ think we
    can do
     > without a double copy of the _pre-made_ pdf ("input") and the
    _resulting_ pdf
     > ("output").
     > That bugs me a little too but I take it as a given as static /
     > vignettes are non-standard (given lack of any mention in WRE, and
    the pretty
     > obvious violation of the "spirit of the law" of vignette which is
    after all
     > made to run code, not to avoid it). Yet uses for static vignettes
    are pretty
     > valid and here we are with another clear as mud situation.

    In many cases such files aren't vignettes.

    By definition, packages should contain plain text source code for
    vignettes.  They can contain other PDF files in inst/doc, but if you
    don't include the plain text source, those aren't vignettes.

    An exception would be a package that contains the source code but
    doesn't want to require CRAN or other users to run it, because it's too
    time-consuming, or needs obscure resources.  The CRAN policy
    discusses this.

    Duncan Murdoch

It would be nice if the documents in inst/doc were linked to on the CRAN landing page of a package. I think that documents under inst/doc are a bit hard to find if package authors do not create (possibly many) links to them in Rd files or vignettes.

What I'd suggest is that you write a "browseDocs" function that displays them in some nice format (similar to "browseVignettes"). Maybe CRAN would choose to add a new category listing its results, but at a minimum, you could very easily add a vignette called "Other documents" that contains a list of links. It wouldn't be as prominent as "Vignettes" on CRAN, but you could make the display as prominent as you want on your own web page.

Duncan Murdoch

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