>>>>> Ben Bolker 
>>>>>     on Sun, 27 Dec 2020 15:02:47 -0500 writes:

    > There is a recurring issue with installing from source into paths 
    > that contain single quotes/apostrophes. "Why would anyone do that??" is 
    > certainly a legitimate response to such a problem, but I would also say 
    > this constitutes a legitimate bug.  Would replacing both single-quotes 
    > below with \\' solve the problem?

Here, I'm mostly among the  "Why would anyone do that??" people,
but I agree that it's worth some effort to try fixing this.

To your question above: Why don't you create a repr.ex. (we'd 
want anyway for R-bugzilla) and *see* if your proposition solves
it - or did I misinterpret the Q?

    > I'm happy to post this (with a patch if my fix seems appropriate) on 
    > r-bugzilla.

    > cheers
    > Ben Bolker

    > line 1672 of src/library/tools/R/install.R :

    > cmd <- paste0("tools:::.test_load_package('", pkg_name, "', ", 
    > quote_path(lib), ")")




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