I'm all set! My problem seems to have been a mixture of two things:

1. As Paul pointed out I needed to upgrade Cairo to get support for the new GE 
v13 (setMask, etc.). That support is apparently present in 1.5-12.2 (the 
current version on CRAN).

2. I was getting Cairo from https://github.com/s-u/Cairo/ rather than CRAN, and 
github and CRAN seem to have diverged, such that 1.5-13 (on github) doesn't 
contain the GE v13 change despite being a higher version than 1.5-12.2.

Simon Urbanek, the Cairo maintainer has kindly cleared this situation up for 
me, and there is now a 1.5-14 which I believe reconciles these two diverged 
sources, includes the GE v13 changes (see https://github.com/s-u/Cairo/) and 
fixes my segfual. I assume this will be pushed to CRAN at some point.

Thank you very much Paul, Andre and Simon for you help!


On Tue, Sep 21, 2021, at 2:24 PM, Paul Murrell wrote:
> Hi
> The Cairo_1.5-12.2.tar.gz sources on CRAN contain the changes.  It looks 
> like they have still not been merged back into the main package sources 
> on R Forge (cc'ing the package maintainer as a gentle reminder).
> I think the Cairo package NEWS file should say 4.1.0 rather than 4.0.0
> Paul
> On 9/22/2021 9:08 AM, Mike Lee Williams wrote:
>> Thanks! AFAICT I am already using the latest version of Cairo, but these 
>> links gives me a ton of leads to follow up.
>> One question (which may be better directed at the maintainer of Cairo): 
>> exactly which version (or commit) of Cairo implements support for the 
>> new setMask API?
>> CRAN still points to 1.5-12.2. The NEWS file 
>> (https://www.rforge.net/Cairo/news.html 
>> <https://www.rforge.net/Cairo/news.html>) 
>> refers to changes implemented to support R 4.0.0 in Cairo 1.5-12, but my 
>> understanding is that setMask was added in R 4.1.0.
>> I see no mention of changes to support setMask or R 4.1.x in Cairo 
>> 1.5-13 (not on CRAN yet, but the only release since 1.5-12 according to 
>> the NEWS file). The 1.5-13 tarball at 
>> https://www.rforge.net/Cairo/files/ 
>> <https://www.rforge.net/Cairo/files> 
>> contains no mention of strings like "setMask", "releasePattern" or 
>> "setPattern", which seem like they should be in there if that version 
>> has implemented support for the new API.
>> Mike
>> On Tue, Sep 21, 2021, at 1:41 PM, Paul Murrell wrote:
>>  > Hi
>>  >
>>  > dev->setMask() was introduced in R 4.1.0 ...
>>  >
>>  > 
>> https://developer.r-project.org/Blog/public/2020/07/15/new-features-in-the-r-graphics-engine/
>> <https://developer.r-project.org/Blog/public/2020/07/15/new-features-in-the-r-graphics-engine>
>>  >
>>  > 
>> https://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~paul/Reports/GraphicsEngine/definitions/definitions.html
>> <https://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~paul/Reports/GraphicsEngine/definitions/definitions.html>
>>  >
>>  > If your application is using its own custom graphics device, it will
>>  > need updating, see ...
>>  >
>>  > 
>> https://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~paul/Reports/GraphicsEngine/definitions/definitions.html#devices
>> <https://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~paul/Reports/GraphicsEngine/definitions/definitions.html#devices>
>>  >
>>  > But it looks like you may just be using the graphics device provided by
>>  > the 'Cairo' package, which has already been updated. If that is the
>>  > case, your problem may be solved simply be reinstalling the 'Cairo' 
>> package.
>>  >
>>  > Paul
>>  >
>>  > p.s. the reason why it only happens for 'ggplot2' plots is that only
>>  > 'grid' (which underlies 'ggplot2') attempts to set masks (the 'graphics'
>>  > package does not).
>>  >
>>  > On 9/22/2021 4:52 AM, Mike Lee Williams wrote:
>>  >> Thank you! Here is the output of option("devices"), which I think means
>>  >> we're using Cairo:
>>  >>
>>  >> $device
>>  >> function (width = 1280, height = 960, pointsize = 24, units = "px",
>>  >> bg = "white", dpi = 160, ...)
>>  >> {
>>  >> devSym <- basename(tempfile(pattern = "SensePlot", tmpdir = ""))
>>  >> newDev <- Cairo(width = width, height = height, pointsize = pointsize,
>>  >> bg = bg, units = units, dpi = dpi, type = "raster", ...)
>>  >> attr(newDev, "units") <- units
>>  >> attr(newDev, "dpi") <- dpi
>>  >> assign(devSym, newDev, SenseDevices)
>>  >> invisible(newDev)
>>  >> }
>>  >> <bytecode: 0x55b08ba031c0>
>>  >> <environment: namespace:Cairo>
>>  >>
>>  >> "Sense" is the internal name of our application. I'm not sure what
>>  >> "devSym" and "newDev" are, but If there are no known issues with Cairo
>>  >> itself then our own code is presumably part of the problem.
>>  >>
>>  >> I would like to confirm that by failing to reproduce the bug in
>>  >> "vanilla" R 4.1 with a Cairo device. If anyone has any tips for how to
>>  >> do that (on Linux) or any other comments I would be very grateful.
>>  >>
>>  >> If our code is the problem then I'm still confused why a regular plot()
>>  >> works, but a ggplot2 qplot() segfaults. Maybe this is a clue!
>>  >>
>>  >> I will post again if I figure anything out!
>>  >>
>>  >> Mike
>>  >>
>>  >> On Tue, Sep 21, 2021, at 3:37 AM, GILLIBERT, Andre wrote:
>>  >> > Hello,
>>  >> >
>>  >> > Which graphic device (backend) do you use?
>>  >> > The setMask() function calls the internal setMask function associated
>>  >> > to the graphic device.
>>  >> > If the Web application uses one of the standard graphic backend, the
>>  >> > bug may come from the R core. If it uses a custom graphic backend, the
>>  >> > bug may be in the backend.
>>  >> >
>>  >> > --
>>  >> > Sincerely
>>  >> > André GILLIBERT
>>  >> >
>>  >> > ATTENTION: Cet e-mail provient d’une adresse mail extérieure au CHU de
>>  >> > Rouen. Ne cliquez pas sur les liens ou n'ouvrez pas les pièces jointes
>>  >> > à moins de connaître l'expéditeur et de savoir que le contenu est sûr.
>>  >> > En cas de doute, transférer le mail à « DSI, Sécurité » pour analyse.
>>  >> > Merci de votre vigilance
>>  >> >
>>  >> >
>>  >> > I have inherited a build of R. We compile R from source and then use
>>  >> a custom
>>  >> > web application to allow users to enter R statements and render the
>>  >> output (it's
>>  >> > kind of like RStudio although the UX is quite different).
>>  >> >
>>  >> > Things were going fine until I tried to upgrade to R 4.1.x. The build
>>  >> succeeds,
>>  >> > but I get the following segfault when I make qplot (ggplot2) calls:
>>  >> >
>>  >> > *** caught segfault ***
>>  >> > address (nil), cause 'memory not mapped'
>>  >> >
>>  >> > Traceback:
>>  >> > 1: .setMask(NULL, NULL)
>>  >> > 2: resolveMask.NULL(NULL)
>>  >> > 3: (function (path) { UseMethod("resolveMask")})(NULL)
>>  >> > 4: grid.newpage()
>>  >> > 5: print.ggplot(x)
>>  >> > 6: (function (x, ...) UseMethod("print"))(x)
>>  >> >
>>  >> > I am not an R developer, so I don't really know how to read this. I
>>  >> am wondering
>>  >> > if this is a known issue or if anyone has any suggestions. Here's
>>  >> some things
>>  >> > I've tested:
>>  >> >
>>  >> > - I get the same segfault in R 4.1.0 and R 4.1.1. I do not get this
>>  >> error in R
>>  >> > 4.0.4 or R 4.0.5.
>>  >> >
>>  >> > - The problem appears to be specific to the (graphics?) features of R
>>  >> that
>>  >> > ggplot2 uses. I do not get a segfault if I do a generic 
>> `plot(c(1,2,3))`.
>>  >> >
>>  >> > - I have tried versions of ggplot2 3.3.3 and 3.3.5.
>>  >> >
>>  >> > - The traceback points to files that were introduced in this commit
>>  >> >
>>  >> >
>>  >> 
>> https://github.com/wch/r-source/commit/16755bcddffe0cb4238d8a4979387d92b93a8324#diff-5c63f74229830cdde7886a50bf06dafcdf1d5b3d42cfa06b26814876e58c5ab0
>> <https://github.com/wch/r-source/commit/16755bcddffe0cb4238d8a4979387d92b93a8324#diff-5c63f74229830cdde7886a50bf06dafcdf1d5b3d42cfa06b26814876e58c5ab0>
>>  >> 
>> <https://github.com/wch/r-source/commit/16755bcddffe0cb4238d8a4979387d92b93a8324#diff-5c63f74229830cdde7886a50bf06dafcdf1d5b3d42cfa06b26814876e58c5ab0
>> <https://github.com/wch/r-source/commit/16755bcddffe0cb4238d8a4979387d92b93a8324#diff-5c63f74229830cdde7886a50bf06dafcdf1d5b3d42cfa06b26814876e58c5ab0>>
>>  >> >
>>  >> > I am not an R user or R developer so I'm a bit stuck here. I would be
>>  >> happy to
>>  >> > give the output of any commands. If anyone has any suggestions then
>>  >> please let
>>  >> > me know!
>>  >> >
>>  >> > Thanks!
>>  >> > Mike Lee Williams
>>  >> >
>>  >> > ______________________________________________
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>>  >
>>  > --
>>  > Dr Paul Murrell
>>  > Department of Statistics
>>  > The University of Auckland
>>  > Private Bag 92019
>>  > Auckland
>>  > New Zealand
>>  > 64 9 3737599 x85392
>>  > p...@stat.auckland.ac.nz
>>  > http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~paul/ 
>> <http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~paul>
> -- 
> Dr Paul Murrell
> Department of Statistics
> The University of Auckland
> Private Bag 92019
> Auckland
> New Zealand
> 64 9 3737599 x85392
> p...@stat.auckland.ac.nz
> http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~paul/

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