Also for now, I commented on self().template update<update_type::full> at lines 
59,90 of glmnetpp/include/glmnetpp_bits/elnet_point/gaussian_base.hpp and 
glmnet also passed , so example(glmnet) gives the familiar results. Ideally, 
some better solution is preferable. Jing Hua
From: jing hua zhao <>
Sent: 10 March 2022 10:45
To: R-devel <>
Subject: Re: Compiling error with glmnet and nloptr

Just a note that I used R 4.1.2 and with R 4.1.3 I had the same issues 
nevertheless I was able to go through with (not entirely sure preferable) 
nloptr once abs() is changed into fabs() within �src/test-C-API.cpp. Thanks. 
Jing Hua

From: jing hua zhao <>
Sent: 10 March 2022 09:22
To: R-devel <>
Subject: Compiling error with glmnet and nloptr

Dear All,

I haven't been able to compile the latest glmnet and nloptr from CRAN wth the 
following error messages,


elnet_exp.cpp:141:59:   required from here
glmnetpp/include/glmnetpp_bits/elnet_point/gaussian_base.hpp:90:39: error: 
'self' was not declared in this scope
                     [=](auto k) { self().template 
update<update_type::partial>(k, ab, dem); },
make: *** [elnet_exp.o] Error 1
ERROR: compilation failed for package �glmnet�
* removing �/rds/user/jhz22/hpc-work/R/glmnet�
* restoring previous �/rds/user/jhz22/hpc-work/R/glmnet�


test-C-API.cpp:108:35: error: call of overloaded 
'abs(__gnu_cxx::__alloc_traits<std::allocator<double> >::value_type)' is 
     expect_true(abs(res[1] - 8./27) < 1.0e-4);
 note: candidate: long int std::abs(long int)
   abs(long __i) { return __builtin_labs(__i); }
make: *** [test-C-API.o] Error 1
ERROR: compilation failed for package �nloptr�

Any suggestions to fix these? I use gcc/6 and have

$ uname -a
Linux login-e-16 3.10.0-1160.59.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Feb 22 10:57:56 CST 
2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Many thanks in advance,

Jing Hua

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