
There are (sometimes creative) ways that one can combine proprietary code
with GPL code, without running afoul of the GPL, I assume this is the case
with h2o -- but I have difficulty seeing that this would be the case with
blue sky. For example:


Kind regards

On Tue, 28 Jun 2022 at 11:44, Tom Woolman <twool...@ontargettek.com> wrote:

> Hi. I am not a lawyer and I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn last night, but
> I don't think this is a GPL violation. The closest analogy for non-GPL
> release packages that comes to mind is with h2o. h2o is proprietary (for
> profit) that is also simultaneously released on CRAN; their business
> model is consulting services for selling support and app development for
> h2o-enabled models, but they allow free use of the core algorithm
> without paying a license fee.
> I'm a huge fan of h2o and have used their GBM and MLP algorithms to
> build models for my two most recent published papers (in press). I
> suspect that this type of hybrid freeware/retained rights framework
> might be the future for some of the larger, more scalable and robust
> library package releases. It seems to also mitigate somewhat the issue
> of abandonware packages, because people are throwing some bucks into the
> tip jar via enterprise support license subscriptions.
> Which reminds me that RStudio also does something similar :)
> On 2022-06-27 20:06, Andrew Simons wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I notice that v10 of BlueSky Statistics is quite tightly integrated
> > with R,
> > but is not released under a GPL compatible license.
> >
> > Do people think this represents a violation of the GPL?
> >
> > Kind regards,
> >
> > Andrew
> >
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> >
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