On Sun, 10 Jul 2022 at 16:28, GILLIBERT, Andre
<andre.gillib...@chu-rouen.fr> wrote:
> > No, that is how computers work (with floating point numbers).
> The fact that not all values are representable by floating point does not 
> mean that outputing a number with maximum accuracy, then reading it back, 
> should yield a different number.
> I would like to point that I cannot reproduce this "bug" on the official R 
> 4.2.0 Windows x86_64 build on an AMD Ryzen 1700 on Windows 10.

I cannot reproduce this on a 64-bit Linux build of R 4.1.3 either:

options(scipen = 999)
#> [1]  999999999999999983222784
1e24 == 999999999999999983222784
#> [1] TRUE

#> [1] 10000000000000000905969664
1e25 == 10000000000000000905969664
#> [1] TRUE

#> [1] 10000000000000000905969664

#> [1] 10000000000000003053453312

10000000000000000000000000 == 1e25
#> [1] TRUE

Iñaki Úcar

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