On 9/22/22 23:13, Jonathan Godfrey wrote:
Hello all,

I can confirm Andrew's assessment of the situation for screen reader users 
(both JAWS and NVDA) for R GUI version 4.2.1; I don't intend to go back and 
verify how/when the problem first arose though.

The situation is not new, or at least the same experience was evident well 
before now. When I started using R around 2005/6, the experience we now see 
today was how I found the GUI then. I investigated the terminal which was a 
huge success and never looked back.

I tracked how the R GUI was going because my students would be using it, and at 
some stage, the way the GUI cursor behaved changed. If I recall correctly, the 
physical appearance of the cursor also altered at the same time. I still update 
versions regularly to stay one step of my students (all sighted) but because no 
one uses the R GUI, my efforts to trace its behaviour have been dwindling over 
the last five or so years. I don't need to check the RStudio behaviour because 
I can't, my colleagues are doing so, and I know it won't change for blind 
people anytime soon.

The terminal has behaved consistently all that time. It has some minor 
differences between JAWS and NVDA, but the user knows what their screen reader 
is doing so the differences have relatively minor impact. It remains how I use 
R and therefore what I recommend for other blind users. N.B. I also strongly 
recommend R markdown files over R scripts.

The experience in the GUI was human dependent, with the choice of screen reader 
and the skill level of the users with their screen reader both having an impact 
on the overall user experience. For many years, NVDA users were better off in 
the GUI than in the terminal, while most JAWS users were happier in the 
terminal. It has been fairly fluid though so my advice has been to try, using 
the existing skills and screen reader, but to be prepared to revert to the 
terminal fairly quickly.

Minor variations in the interactions of R GUI and the various screen readers 
mean the difference between JAWS and NVDA were very similar prior to v4.2.0 to 
the extent that I would say the experience had converged quite nicely.

RStudio has not made any significant progress in making its IDE more 
accessible, and I fear that it never will. I have tested other front ends and 
none have yet met accessibility standards. The problem with most of the front 
ends is that they are using development toolkits (such as QT) that do not speak 
with screen readers straight out of the box. I mentioned this in my R Journal 
article back in 2013.

I fear that the development toolkit problem is what compromises accessibility 
of R GUI too. In a discussion I had with Duncan at UseR 2015, it was obvious to 
me that nothing  intentional had been done to the R GUI to improve my initial 
experience to the situation Andrew has been enjoying. For that reason, I 
suspect that there is room for something different in the background, as 
against any explicit action taken by the R developments, which have 
(unfortunately) taken us backwards.

Andrew: I am confident you can move to the terminal without requiring help, but 
grabbing the latest development version of BrailleR off GitHub will give you 
some functions that will save a bit of effort. We might arrange a voice call 
next week for an ongoing discussion.

Tomas: I'm not able to help with your suggestion, mainly because I don't 
understand the nuts and bolts of it. I do believe though that the cursor focus 
is a critical factor, but that the cursor being used by the screen reader 
software is different to the cursor being used by the sighted users. When I 
switch from the active cursor to the screen readers' review mode, the screen 
readers both take me back to the top left of the window under the menu bar. Has 
anything changed in the visual appearance of the cursor from v4.1.3 to v4.2.0? 
I ask because it is the symptom.

Dear Jonathan,

thanks for all the background. There was no change in Rgui/GraphApp meant to change anything related to the cursor in 4.2.0 (neither at least in the last 5 years). There have only been very few changes, majority of them to fix encoding issues. But, as you write, these things can happen indirectly, and the switch to 4.2.0 has already woken up many (as GraphApp then uses different code than before, and as Windows sometimes support UTF-8 in surprising ways - it is a very new feature and making the old Windows component accept it properly is probably difficult). One of them was actually also reported by a blind user (I broke the search/replace in the script editor, already fixed).

Peter: Thank you very much for actively bringing me into this thread. I don't 
know why I hadn't seen Andrew's first message given I get other list traffic.


-----Original Message-----
From: peter dalgaard <pda...@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, 23 September 2022 4:24 am
To: Andrew Hart <ah...@dim.uchile.cl>
Cc: R-devel@r-project.org; Tomas Kalibera <tomas.kalib...@gmail.com>; Jonathan 
Godfrey <a.j.godf...@massey.ac.nz>
Subject: Re: [Rd] Problem with accessibility in R 4.2.0 and 4.2.1.

Tomas Kalibera has related that he has some scars from fighting with some unexpected 
interactions between UTF-8 and the GraphApp library that is used for RGui and I think he 
said that screen readers were involved. I wouldn't be surprised if this is a leftover 
issue. (This is obviously a kind of issue that non-blind users don't "see" :-) 

Would it work for you to use the terminal application (the "DOS box", or 
whatever it is called these days) until the issue gets fixed?

In general, I would expect your go-to guy for blindness-related issues to be 
Jonathon Godfrey (cc'ed). Perhaps he can offer some advice.

On 22 Sep 2022, at 15:48 , Andrew Hart via R-devel <r-devel@r-project.org> 

Hi. I'm having an issue with R 4.2.1 on Windows but I'm not sure if this is the 
right place to ask about it. If it's not, I'm hoping someone can point me in 
the right direction.

I'm blind and have been using R for about 11 years now. The base build 
available on CRAN is quite accessible and works pretty well with screen-reading 
software such as JAWS for Windows and NVDA. R-studio is not accessible which 
appears to have something to do with the version of QT it uses, but that's not 
relevant as I don't use it.

Recently I installed R 4.2.1 (I tend to upgrade two or three times a year and 
this time I was jumping from R 4.1.2 to 4.2.1).
However, I've encountered a serious problem which makes the latest version more 
or less unusable for doing any kind of serious work.
The issue is that the screen-reading software is unable to locate the R cursor 
and behaves as though the cursor is near the top left of the R application 
window. Practically, this means I can't tell what characters I'm passing over 
when cursoring left and right, nor can I hear what character is being deleted 
when the backspace is pressed. Most importantly, I can't tell where the 
insertion point is. This is a major regression in the ability to work with and 
edit the command line in the R console. There are ways of actually viewing the 
command line but the way I work is frequently calling up a previous command and 
making a change so as to not have to type the whole command again.

I Went and installed R 4.1.3 and R 4.2.0 in an attempt to find out exactly when 
things went awry and the issue first appeared in R 4.2.0.
Looking through the release notes, the only things mentioned that seem likely 
to be relevant are the following:

* R uses a new 64-bit Tcl/Tk bundle. The previous 32-bit/64-bit bundle had a 
different layout and can no longer be used.


* R uses UTF-8 as the native encoding on recent Windows systems (at least 
Windows 10 version 1903, Windows Server 2022 or Windows Server 1903). As a part
of this change, R uses UCRT as the C runtime. UCRT should be installed manually 
on systems older than Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016 before installing

I can't really see how changing to utf-8 as the native encoding would produce 
the behaviour I'm seeing, so I am guessing that the change in TCL/TK might be 
the culprit.

I'm hoping that someone will be able to help shed some light on what's going on 

Thanks a lot,

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