
Recently I became aware that Microsoft R Open provides accelerated matrix
algebra computations through Intel's Math Kernel Libraries. However, the
version of R shipped with the Microsoft R Open is too out of date to be
able to use concurrently with other dependencies while developing our
package. This thread suggests a way to get the updated matrix libraries
with a more recent version of R, however it is unlikely to be approved by
our IT admin since those of us in government agencies aren't typically
given admin privileges: Linking Intel's Math Kernel Library (MKL) to R on
Windows - Stack Overflow

Is there a reason why CRAN doesn't provide a version of R with the updated
libraries such that developers don't have to recompile R or copy .dlls
around as described above? It would help those of us running software with
slow-running matrix calculations in R.


Christine C. Stawitz, PhD. (pronouns: she/her)

National Stock Assessment Program Modeling Team

NOAA Fisheries Office of Science and Technology |  U.S. Department of

Mobile: 206-617-2060


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