On Sun, 2023-04-16 at 13:52 +0200, Iñaki Ucar wrote:

> I agree that something like this would be a nice addition. With the
> current condition system, it would be certainly easy (but quite a lot
> of work) to define a hierarchy of built-in conditions, and then use
> them consistently throughout base R.

Yes, a typed condition system would be great.

I have two other ideas:

By reading the "R messages" and "preparing translactions" sections of the "R 
extensions manual"


I was thinking about using the "unique" R message texts (which are the msgid in 
the *.po files,
see e.g. 
to maintain a unique ID (not dependent on the actual translation into the 
current language).

A "simple" solution could be to pre- or postfix each message text with an ID, 
for example this code here

     else errorcall(call, _("non-numeric argument to function"));

would become

     else errorcall(call, _("non-numeric argument to function [47]"));
     else errorcall(call, _("[47] non-numeric argument to function"));

Now the ID could be extracted more easily (at least for base R condition 

This would even be back-portable to older R versions to make condition IDs 
broadly available "in the wild".

Another way to introduce an ID for each condition in base R would be ("the hard 

1) by refactoring each and every code location with an embedded message string 
to use a centralized
   key/msg_text data structure to "look up" the appropriate message text and

2) use the key to enrich the condition as unique ID (e.g. as an attribute in 
the condition object).

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