>>>>> Karolis Koncevičius writes:

Can you pls try again with r84341 or later?


> A more concrete example in order to correct my vague messages below.
> Writing an R package that uses `@` and `@<-` as S3 generics. Line from manual 
> pages in .Rd files:

>     \method{@}{newclass}(object, name) <- value

> Throws this error during R CMD check —as-cran

>     Bad \usage lines found in documentation object ’code’:
>       <unescaped bksl>method{@}{newclass}(object, name) <- value

> This error is due to tools::checkDocFiles eventually calling 
> tools:::.S3_method_markup_regexp and not finding `@` as a valid for S3.
> This error is gone if we adjust tools:::.S3_method_markup_regexp to pass for 
> ‘@‘ by adding ‘\\@‘ to regexp.

> Please note that this now is not dependant on using or not using roxygen2
> KK.

>> On Apr 29, 2023, at 12:53 AM, Karolis Koncevičius 
>> <karolis.koncevic...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thank you for such a quick reply, Gabriel,
>> I am not too familiar with the package tools, so cannot speak too 
>> confidently, but below is how I see the issue currently.
>> The issue is not for external packages to rely on unexported functions from 
>> tools::, rather the issue is that 'R CMD check —as-cran' runs those 
>> functions from tools:: in order to check the validity of Rd files (from any 
>> package). R 4.3.0 added @ as internal S3 generic. However, package tools 
>> does not recognise it as valid in Rd files and throws errors when it sees S3 
>> method declared for @ in the Rd usage lines.
>> So any package that will try to use @ generic will run into the issue, 
>> without attempting to use internal S3 functions in their code, but during 
>> the R CMD check step.
>> Hope I am being clearer now, and not missing something important (all these 
>> things: both @ as generic and tools:: package are quite new to me),
>> Karolis K.
>>> On Apr 29, 2023, at 12:38 AM, Gabriel Becker <gabembec...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Karolis,
>>> It seems likely, without having looked myself, that you could be correct 
>>> about the issue, but it does seem worth noting that both of the functions 
>>> you have mentioned are not exported, and thus not part of the API that 
>>> extension packages are allowed to use and rely on.
>>> If retrieving the list of "internal S3 generics" is something package and 
>>> user code is allowed to do, the real fix seems to go beyond what you're 
>>> suggesting, to actually providing an API entry point that gives the 
>>> relevant information (maybe in an identical form to how those internal 
>>> functions do so, maybe not). If it's not, for some principled reason, 
>>> something R-core wants to support package and user code doing, then the 
>>> fact that the new thing doesn't work automatically with roxygen2 would 
>>> become the roxygen maintainers' job to fix or document. 
>>> I do not know whether R-core feels this is something packages/users should 
>>> be able to do; both decisions strike me as possible, to be honest, 
>>> depending on details I don't know and/or am not privy to.
>>> Best,
>>> ~G 
>>> On Fri, Apr 28, 2023 at 1:49 PM Karolis Koncevičius 
>>> <karolis.koncevic...@gmail.com <mailto:karolis.koncevic...@gmail.com>> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> This issue might go deeper - I was not successful in passing R CMD checks 
>>>> for the usage files. R CMD check kept showing errors for `@` declarations, 
>>>> even thou they were identical to `$` declarations (which passed fine).
>>>> Seems like the usage check functions are not prepared for `@` - also in 
>>>> tools:::.S3_method_markup_regexp
>>>> > On Apr 28, 2023, at 10:34 PM, Karolis Koncevičius 
>>>> > <karolis.koncevic...@gmail.com <mailto:karolis.koncevic...@gmail.com>> 
>>>> > wrote:
>>>> > 
>>>> > I was building a package that uses the new generic @ and kept having 
>>>> > errors with “roxygen2” documentation. “roxygen2” generated NAMESPACE 
>>>> > added `@.newclass` as a newly exported function, not as a S3method.
>>>> > 
>>>> > At first I thought this must be a bug in roxygen2 and they lag behind 
>>>> > the new developments in R. But after some investigation I found that 
>>>> > “roxygen2” is using tools:::.get_internal_S3_generis() to decide if the 
>>>> > method should be exported as S3method or not. For some reason “@<-“ is 
>>>> > listed in there, but “@“ is not.
>>>> > 
>>>> > Am I missing some context, or is this an oversight?
>>>> > 
>>>> > Kind regards,
>>>> > Karolis Koncevicius
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