> On 8/08/2023, at 12:07 PM, Dirk Eddelbuettel <e...@debian.org> wrote:
> On 8 August 2023 at 11:21, Simon Urbanek wrote:
> | First, detecting HT vs cores is not necessarily possible in general, Linux 
> may assign core id to each HT depending on circumstances:
> | 
> | $ grep 'cpu cores' /proc/cpuinfo | uniq
> | cpu cores   : 32
> | $ grep 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo | uniq
> | model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6142 CPU @ 2.60GHz
> | 
> | and you can look up that Xenon 6142 has 16 cores.
> | 
> | Second, instead of "awk"ward contortions it's easily done in R with 
> something like
> | 
> | d=read.dcf("/proc/cpuinfo")
> | sum(as.integer(tapply(
> |   d[,grep("cpu cores",colnames(d))],
> |   d[,grep("physical id",colnames(d))], `[`, 1)))
> | 
> | which avoids subprocesses, quoting hell and all such issues...
> Love the use of read.dcf("/proc/cpuinfo") !!
> On my box a simpler
>> d <- read.dcf("/proc/cpuinfo") 
>> as.integer(unique(d[, grep("cpu cores",colnames(d))]))
>  [1] 6

I don't think that works on NUMA/SMP machines - you need to add all the cores 
for each CPU (that's why the above splits by physical id which is unique per 
cpu). On a dual-cpu machine:

> as.integer(unique(d[, grep("cpu cores",colnames(d))]))
[1] 32
> sum(as.integer(tapply(
 d[,grep("cpu cores",colnames(d))],
 d[,grep("physical id",colnames(d))], `[`, 1)))
[1] 64

Also things get quite fun on VMs as they can cobble together quite a few 
virtual CPUs regardless of the underlying hardware.

To be honest I think the motivation of this thread is dubious at best: it is a 
bad idea to use detectCore() blindly to specify parallelization and we 
explicitly say it's a bad idea - any sensible person will set it according to 
the demands, the hardware and the task. The number of cores is only partially 
relevant - e.g. if any I/O is involved you want to oversubscribe the CPU. If 
you have other users you want to only use a fraction etc. That doesn't mean 
that the we couldn't do a better job, but if you have to use detectCores() then 
you are already in trouble to start with.


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