Dear Ivan

I was bitten by this recently but fortunately Rolf had beaten me to writing a question. The one thing which really surprised me is that the current message tells me how much space it would have saved if it had compressed the files in which case my immediate response was "Well, why didn't you compress them then?".

Thank you for your help on this.


On 02/10/2023 12:58, Ivan Krylov wrote:
Dear Rolf,

(Moving this one to R-devel...)

On Sun,  1 Oct 2023 21:01:13 +0000
Rolf Turner <> wrote:

I *really* think that the instructions from CRAN could have been
clearer!  Without your guidance I'd have been at a total loss.

Since the CRAN e-mails quote the R CMD check messages verbatim, would
it have been enough if R CMD check suggested using --compact-vignettes?

Index: src/library/tools/R/check.R
--- src/library/tools/R/check.R (revision 85249)
+++ src/library/tools/R/check.R (working copy)
@@ -3079,7 +3079,8 @@
                           "  'qpdf' made some significant size reductions:\n",
                           paste("  ", res, collapse = "\n"),
-                         "  consider running tools::compactPDF() on these 
+                         "  consider running tools::compactPDF() on these 
+                         "  or build the source package with 
              if (R_check_doc_sizes2) {
                  gs_cmd <- find_gs_cmd()
@@ -3093,7 +3094,8 @@
                                   "  'gs+qpdf' made some significant size 
                                   paste("  ", res, collapse = "\n"),
-                                 '  consider running tools::compactPDF(gs_quality = 
"ebook") on these files\n')
+                                 '  consider running tools::compactPDF(gs_quality = 
"ebook") on these files,\n',
+                                 '  or build the source package with 
                  } else {
                      if (!any) noteLog(Log)

Or is there anything else you would prefer to be reworded? Should the
message link to Writing R Extensions, section 1.4? Recently there was a
project to improve the R CMD check messages [*], but I managed to miss
almost all of it.


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