On 03/10/2023 12:50 p.m., Koenker, Roger W wrote:
I’ve been getting this warning for a while now (about five years if memory 
serves) and I’m finally tired of it, but also too tired to track it down in 
Matrix.  As far as I can grep  I have no reference to either deprecated object, 
only the apparently innocuous  Matrix::Matrix(A, sparse = TRUE).  Can someone 
advise, Martin perhaps?  I thought it might come from Rmosek, but mosek folks 
don’t think so.

A quick scan of that discussion didn't turn up anything relevant, e.g. a script to produce the warning. Could you be more specific, or just post the script here?

In general, a good way to locate the source of a warning is to set options(warn=2) to turn it into an error, and then trigger it. The traceback from the error will include a bunch of junk from the code that catches the warning, but it will also include the context where it was triggered.

Duncan Murdoch

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