>>>>> Jonathan Carroll writes:


Fascinating ... I strongly suspect that when I wrote the code in 2006
the docs said the largest possible number was 3899.  Of course, I should
have added a comment on this with a pointer to the docs ...

In any case, clearly <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_numerals> etc
say that we can do up to 3999, so this should be looked into.

Can you please file a PR so that this does not get forgotten?

Ideally perhaps also with a patch? :-)


> I was recently participating in a coding challenge which involved
> converting integers to Roman numerals. I knew R offers this
> functionality already via as.roman() and hoped to leverage that for a
> quick solution, but was surprised that one of the challenge's tests
> failed; conversion of the number 3999, which should result in
> "MMMCMXCIX". In R, that produces NA.

> I looked into the source and documentation and it's clear that an
> upper limit of 3899 is enforced in several places, and documented as
> such. I detailed some of these explorations on my blog [0]. Ben Bolker
> traced the first implementation (or at the least the creation of
> src/library/utils/R/roman.R) in the (GitHub cloned) source [1] dating
> back to 2006 and this uses the 3899 hard limit.

> Wikipedia [2] claims the largest uniquely representable Roman numeral is 3999.

> Other languages appear to use 3999 as the largest input value, e.g.
> the python-cookbook [3].

> Common lisp's "~@r" format errors with values larger than 3999

> ```
> (print (format nil "~@r" 4000))
> *** - The ~@R format directive requires an integer in the range 1 -
> 3999, not 4000
> ```

> Is 3899 enforced as the largest valid input in R for some other
> reason, or is this a long-standing oversight?

> Perhaps tangentially... while exploring I did notice the unexported
> utils:::.as.roman() takes a check.range argument that is not available
> from as.roman (which is simply an exported wrapper without that
> argument) but setting this to FALSE does not enable circumvention of
> enforcement of the upper limit (which appears to occur during the
> setting of the "roman" class), it simply performs an earlier
> conversion to NA when set (potentially for simplification when used in
> Ops dispatch). Enforcement of the limit of 3899 happens deeper within
> the code, e.g. within the unexported utils:::.numeric2roman which
> implements the conversion, but without a way to avoid setting the
> result to NA for larger values. Given that other languages strictly
> limit the input to an upper bound, perhaps this is not unexpected
> behaviour.

> Regards,

> - Jonathan.

> [0]: https://jcarroll.xyz/2024/02/10/friends-romans-countrymen.html
> [1]: 
> https://github.com/r-devel/r-svn/commit/ba30f3dc716effe22489bf88511bd1d60272f6de
> [2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_numerals
> [3]: 
> https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/python-cookbook/0596001673/ch03s24.html

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