On 25/06/2024 17:25, Josiah Parry wrote:
With respect to NOTES and WARN on CRAN, these do not result in any
package maintainer notifications. The only notification that the developers
receive is the threatening one that states that the packages will be
from CRAN with a very short timeline.

I'd recommend regularly checking https://cran.r-project.org/web//checks/check_results_josiah.parry_at_gmail.com.html on a regular basis or better still automating said checking. I use dang::checkCRANStatus() in my .Rprofile  to stay up to date ...

R> dang::checkCRANStatus("josiah.pa...@gmail.com")
        Package WARN NOTE OK
1        arcgis           13
2 arcgisgeocode         8  5
3  arcgislayers           13
4  arcgisplaces         9  4
5   arcgisutils        13
6        arcpbf    2    7  4
7           b64    2    7  4
8         rsgeo    2    7  4
9       trendyy           13


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