The survival package itself has a tiny list of reverse imports, so there is no 
savings from avoiding the survival namespace.   (I don’t have a choice: since 
it is on the recommended list I can only depend on base and recommended.  The 
vignettes in particular would be nicer in knitr than Sweave…).   So yes, I 
think that avoiding this particular namespace is being a bit excessive.

The penchant of tidy users to “import the universe” is a separate issue.   I 
have colleagues with a dozen “standard”s that they place at the top of every 
analysis file whether they need them or not.   I work in medical research and 
it is important to be able to exactly recreate an analysis later, e.g., when a 
paper review or more seriously an FDA auditor appears, adding lots of 
dependencies just makes that harder.  But that is a within-group debate that I 
will lose (“old fogey”).

But perhaps most pertinent: I understand using survival::coxph() on the outer 
call, but futher adding survival::Surv or survival::strata or … WITHIN  said 
call is completely unnecessary, since the routine looks in its own namespace 
first.   (Unless you start mucking about with the language model, with posix 
rather likes to do…)

Terry T

From: Josiah Parry <>
Date: Monday, August 26, 2024 at 5:09 PM
To: Therneau, Terry M., Ph.D. <>
Cc: <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [Rd] specials and ::
I wouldn't go so far as to call people who don't want to wholesale attach 
namespaces as "nuts."

{survival} is provided via the {censored} R package to integrate into the 
{tidymodels} ecosystem.
And the reverse imports of the package is massive! Assuming that each and every 
one of them
should attach the entire namespace is a bit presumptuous!

I am one of those nuts that likes to namespace everything. It just takes one 
conflicting method to
taint it :)

On Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 12:44 PM Therneau, Terry M., Ph.D. via R-devel 
<<>> wrote:
Thanks to all for the responses. A couple notes It is nice to get the overall 
that I'm not nuts to be terribly annoyed by this, and don't need to fix it 
Berwin 's note brings to mind the old adage that "The reason it is so hard to 
make things
foolproof is that fools are so ingeneous." 1. Using survival::strata(inst) in 
the rhs of
the survdiff call does not generate an error message. Because the stata 
function is not
recognized as special one instead gets the wrong answer. (Or I should say, "the 
answer to a different question".) Ditto for most of the rest of the package 
functions. The
very worst kind of bug. 2. Using specials =c("strata", "survival::strata") 
could work. I
always process the result with a small "untangle.specials" function, a leftover 
from when
R and Splus returned slightly different formula structures. I could put 
there. I'll think on this some more. But Ivan's follow-up was not encouraging. 
3. Bill's
suggestion to pre-fix the formula. Not a bad idea. If I followed the Call <-
that lives at the top of my code by an immediate fix of the formula portion of 
the list,
then all else would flow. And as perhaps a bit of a snark, the user would see 
corrected form in their printout. The nuts who want to call a survival routine 
attaching the name space will be out of luck though. Terry
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