> Hi!
> Pinned the problem with plot down a bit. I can reproduce it with only 2 lines of R 
> on my Windows XP machine.
> (today reinstalled R1.9.0) and Bioconductor packages updated. 
> Can anyone reproduce this behaviour?
> (I am surely reproducing this error only if library(ROC) is loaded at the beginning 
> of the session.)
> z:\devel\Paper2004\patrick3>Rterm
> R : Copyright 2004, The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
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> character(0)
> Error in xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) :
>         x and y lengths differ
> I was trying to reproduce the error under Debion linux. There I do not get such an 
> error.
> Eryk.
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So not a bug in R. Why did you submit a bug report?
Note that it works with ROC-1.0.10, hence the bug is obviously fixed in 
recent versions of ROC.

Uwe Ligges

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