On Sat, Dec 04, 2004 at 12:52:30AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Full_Name: Elizabeth Purdom
> Version: 1.9.1
> OS: Windows XP
> Submission from: (NULL) (
> It would be great if heatmap and/or image had the option of printing a legend
> bar on it somewhere that would indicate the ranges given by the colors in the
> heatmap (i.e. a very small image rectangle with the same colors as in the
> heatmap). Because heatmap is using layout, it seems pretty complicated to add
> yourself--I make my own myheatmap command. 

You mean like filled.contour() does?  Try 

     > par(ask=TRUE)
     > examples(filled.contour)
Hth, Dirk     

> A lesser wish, along the same line, would be that with the optional side bar
> colors you could put a legend in the plot somehow. Again, I find it difficult 
> to
> do without making your own myheatmap command and modifying the layout. And 
> this
> seems easy to do spacewise, because there's a "0" in the layout matrix in the
> upper left corner over the row dendogram: e.g.
> if(!missing(legend.text)){lmat<-lmat+1}
> Clearly the plot could be really crowded if you choose all the options, but at
> least you'd have the options, and I think they're the devil to do yourself. 
> And
> if you could choose the relative widths of the different parts in the layout
> (the widths and heights options in the layout command), overriding the other
> options, then you could choose how much of the space goes to the different
> components. 
> Thanks,
> Elizabeth
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