Dear R Developers:

I have been playing with R, release 2.0.1 for a week now and have detected =
that all stat functions related to distribution probabilities have the same=

1.- According to the manual the log.p parameter is always the last one.
2.- When you use the software, the last parameter seems to be lower.tail


> pt (1.1, 5)
[1] 0.8392746
> pt (1.1, 5, F)
[1] 0.8392746
> pt (1.1, 5, F, T)
[1] 0.8392746

On this example, I have used the Student T distribution. The result of this=
 example has been tested with the stat calculator at http://calculators.sta=
1.- This first line shows that when this function has two arguments, the lo=
g.p default value is false, and the lower.tail is true.
2.- The second line shows that when this function has 3 arguments, the last=
 one is the log.p argument and the lower.tail is taken by default to true.
3.- The third line shows that when this function has 4 arguments, the third=
 one keeps on being the log.p argument and the lower.tail is the last one.
4.- Acording to the mannual, the lower.tail should be the third argument an=
d not the last one.

Best regards,
Jos=E9 Luis Casado Mart=EDnez
European Computing Consultants
C/ Hermanos Garc=EDa Noblejas, N=BA 39, 5=AA, N 1
28037 Madrid
Telf.: 34-91-406 19 15. Fax: 34-91-406 19 16
Movil: 34-607-750 316

The last line shows that the sum of probabilities of 1.1 using 5 degrees of=
 freedom adding the lower tail (pt (1.1, 5, F, T)) and not adding the lower=
 tail ( pt (1.1, 5, F, F)) is 1. This is not the case with log (p).

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