`They' will point you at the rw-FAQ Q3.8 which explains this.

On Wed, 15 Dec 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

OK. Sorry to have bothered you. It may well have been the namespace issue, a
subtlety that I would have been unaware of. Thanks. I've cc'ed this to
r-bugs in case there is anything they wish to do about it.

-- Bert Gunter

-----Original Message-----
From: Deepayan Sarkar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2004 12:05 PM
To: Berton Gunter
Subject: Re: Lattice update error

On Wednesday 15 December 2004 13:51, you wrote:

I believe you are the lattice package maintainer and so should
receive this:

I just received the following error on trying to update the lattice
package: (Win2K, R 2.0.1)

Error: Can not remove prior installation of package 'lattice'

The prior installation was the immediately preceding
lattice version.
I then had to exit R and manually delete lattice from the library
directory (I could not do it when R was open, even though
lattice was
not on my search list). I then restarted R and installed lattice
without problems.

Well, I don't see how this can be due to a bug in lattice. If you can reproduce this, you should probably report it to r-devel.

I'm not sure how update.packages() works on Windows, but this
might be a
permissions problem, or maybe you had some package loaded that was
using the lattice namespace (like nlme, for instance), in
which case it
wouldn't show up on the search path even though it were in use.


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