OK, here we go (since we forgot to address the the Linux folks' problems explicitly - apologies!).

*In principle*, you need the 1.5 version of the BlackBox Compiler from

Details and documentation how to compile are available from the developer manual:

- We (Sibylle and Uwe) have not managed to compile OpenBUGS ourselves.
- In particular, we have not managed to get the .dll/.so compiled, and Andrew Thomas writes in the developer manual: "Please note I am the only person who has the ELF linker at present".

That's why we do ship the .so/.dll for now (and later?).

Andrew Thomas told us that the .so is supposed to work under some Linux versions (I have never managed to get it to work up to now, but this is high level on the ToDo list).
The .dll has been tested on WinNT, WinXP and WinServer2003.


(Ted Harding) wrote:

On 08-Apr-05 A.J. Rossini wrote:

where does one find a Component Pascal compiler?  Does anyone
know which one the OpenBUGS project is using?

I hesitate to suggest that Tony Rossini might be confused,
but I think I am (though I feel a bit confused about that

One piece of information which may be helpful (though it
hasn't cleared things up for me) is from



    A combined version of the OpenBUGS programme for
    Windows and Linux personel computers can be downloaded
    as a .zip file from here. There are some instructions
    for installation on this page.

    The Windows version of OpenBUGS contains three seperate
    exectutable files: winbugs.exe for running the GUI
    Windows version, the shortcut BackBUGS for running a
    non interative script in WinBUGS and ClassicBUGS,
    a non Windows command line version of BUGS. BRugs,
    a set of R functions which reproduce the functionality
    of the GUI interface, is also avaliable to Windows users.
    The Linux version of OpenBUGS consists of a single shell
    script, LinBUGS, which provides the "ClassicBUGS" interface.
    At present the BRugs R functions do not work under Linux.

    The binary distribution of the programme comes with
    documentation in two formats: *.odc the native WinBUGS
    format, and *.html which can also be read on Linux personal
    computers using a web browser. The documentation can also
    be read online here.

    The full source code for OpenBUGS is available. The source
    code for the most recent verion (OpenBUGS 2.1.0) can be
    downloaded as a .zip file from here

    The Component Pascal source code consists of a large number
    of modules of which only a subset are required for the Linux
    personel computer platform.

As to "Component Pascal", this seems from my searches to be
a outgrowth of Oberon, and apparently at one time was called
"Garden Point Component Pascal". Garden Point originally
produced a version of Modula 2, which was required to compile
the old orignal version of BUGS (pre-WinBUGS) on Linux (which
I once did, about 10 years ago).

So it all seems to be tangled up together, with no clear
indication of what you need, nor how to do it, if you want
to get BRugs up on Linux.

As to getting hold of Component Pascal, while there is
documentation on the Oberon Website


there is no indication of how to get the software. It looks
as though (though this is not clear either) it may be a
commercial product.

Hoping this helps, if not to clarify, at least to assist
others in their searches!

Best wishes to all,

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