On 2007-November-01  , at 20:18 , Thomas Petzoldt wrote:
> I had the same problem. When opening PDFs with a recent developer  
> version of inkscape all circles were replaced by the letter "q",  
> see a screenshoot of the imported figure:
> http://www.simecol.de/figs/R_pdf_inkscape.png
> I spent at least two hours trying different development versions of  
> inkscape, different versions of R, reading docs, trying different  
> machines, installing fonts etc., finally giving up. Now, the two  
> workarounds of Paul Murrell indeed solved the problem for *me*.  
> Thank you. Here are example results of workarounds (i) and (ii):
> http://www.simecol.de/figs/R_ps_pdf_inkscape.png
> or
> http://www.simecol.de/figs/R_pdftrans_inkscape.png
> One problem remains. I wanted to demonstrate post-editing PDFs with  
> inkscape to motivate students to use R for graphics even if they  
> dont want to "become programmers". However, double conversion (via  
> postscript) or the magics of transparency and opaqueness are not  
> yet the way to increase the trust of point-and-click users to R.  
> Maybe this is a topic for r-devel?

By the way, depending on what OS you are, you may find an entirely  
SVG workflow more suitable:
        R with RSVvgDevice package -1-> SVG figures -2-> Inkscape -3->  
whatever you like (SVG, PNG, PDF...)
This gives all transparency, fonts etc to Inkscape so it is fine on  
this side. The only "problem" with this workflow for me is that many  
of my plots stay between stage 1 and 2 and I like to be able to view  
them quickly. I would need a quick SVG viewer but there are none on  
OS X. If you are on Linux, many documents viewers (eog, evince,  
gThumbs) can display SVGs so you would be all set.


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