Giulia Barbati wrote:
> Dear Forum,
> I have a question about interaction estimate in the Cox model: 
> why the hazard ratio of the interaction is not produced in the summary of the 
> model?
> (Instead, the estimate of the coefficient is given in the print of the 
> model.) 

The 'hazard ratio of the interaction' is not well defined.  Decide what 
hazard ratio you want to estimate, then ask summary to compute that, e.g.

summary(modINT, XX_PR=c(1,3), XX_DISF=2)

will estimate the 3:1 XX_PR hazard ratio at XX_DISF=2

Frank Harrell

> # Example:
> modINT <-cph( Surv(T_BASE, T_FIN,STATUS)~ NYHA + ASINI + RFP + FE_REC + 
> print(modINT)
>                   coef se(coef)     z        p
> NYHA=2       1.254    0.584  2.15 0.031767
> ASINI           0.665    0.409  1.62 0.104247
> RFP=2            0.725    0.704  1.03 0.302578
> FE_REC=2        -1.637    0.810 -2.02 0.043331
> XX_PR            2.189    0.649  3.37 0.000748
> XX_DISF          3.233    1.000  3.23 0.001222
> XX_PR * XX_DISF -2.852    1.280 -2.23 0.025852
> summary(modINT)
>  Effects              Response : Surv(T_BASE, T_FIN, STATUS) 
>  Factor         Low    High Diff.  Effect S.E. Lower 0.95 Upper 0.95
>  ASINI         2.0725 2.85 0.7775  0.52  0.32 -0.11        1.14    
>   Hazard Ratio  2.0725 2.85 0.7775  1.68    NA  0.90        3.13    
>  XX_PR          0.0000 1.00 1.0000  2.19  0.65  0.92        3.46    
>   Hazard Ratio  0.0000 1.00 1.0000  8.92    NA  2.50       31.86    
>  XX_DISF        0.0000 1.00 1.0000  3.23  1.00  1.27        5.19    
>   Hazard Ratio  0.0000 1.00 1.0000 25.35    NA  3.57      179.88    
>  NYHA - 2:1 1.0000 2.00     NA  1.25  0.58  0.11        2.40    
>   Hazard Ratio  1.0000 2.00     NA  3.50    NA  1.12       11.00    
>  RFP - 2:1      1.0000 2.00     NA  0.73  0.70 -0.65        2.10    
>   Hazard Ratio  1.0000 2.00     NA  2.07    NA  0.52        8.20    
>  FE_REC - 2:1   1.0000 2.00     NA -1.64  0.81 -3.23       -0.05    
>   Hazard Ratio  1.0000 2.00     NA  0.19    NA  0.04        0.95    
> Adjusted to: XX_PR=0 XX_DISF=0  
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Frank E Harrell Jr   Professor and Chair           School of Medicine
                      Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University

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