Dear All,
  I've successfully import my synteny data to R by using scan command. Below 
show my results. My major problem with my data is how am i going to combine the 
column names with the data( splt) where i have tried on cbind but a warning 
message occur. I have realized that the splt data only have 5 column instead of 
6. Please help me with this!!
  I want my data to be a numerical data with a proper column and column names 
and to  replace CS with 1 and CSO with 0 and also to get remove all the 
punctuations and the characters from the data.
  Attach herewith is my original data. Your kindly help is highly appreciated 
and thanks in advance.
  1)for col names
Read 6 items
> nms
[1] "CS(O) id (number of marker/anchor) "                   
[2] " Location(s) on reference "                            
[3] "CS(O) size"                                            
[4] "CS(O) density on reference chromosome"                 
[5] "Location(s) on tested  "                               
[6] "Breakpoints CS(O) locations (denstiy of marker/anchor)"
2) my data
Read 21 items
> splt<-strsplit(x,"\t")
> splt
[1] "CS 1 (73): "                       " cfa1: [ 3251712 - 24126920 ] "   
[3] "  20875208 "                       " 3 "                              
[5] " hsa18: [ 132170848 - 50139168 ] " "] 24126920, 24153560 [(8 ) "      
[1] "CS 2 (3): "                       " cfa1: [ 24153560 - 24265894 ] " 
[3] "  112334 "                        " 27 "                            
[5] " hsa18: [ 50105060 - 49934572 ] " "] 24265894, 24823786 [(7 ) "     
[1] "CSO 3.1 (6): "                                                             
[2] " cfa1: [ 24823786 - 27113036 ] "                                           
[3] "  2289250 "                                                                
[4] " 3  "                                                                      
[5] " hsa18: [ 48121156 - 46579500 ]- Decreasing order - ] 27113036, 27418228 [ 
[1] "CSO 3.2 (4): "                                                             
[2] " cfa1: [ 27418228 - 27578150 ] "                                           
[3] "  159922 "                                                                 
[4] " 25  "                                                                     
[5] " hsa18: [ 13872043 - 13208795 ]- Decreasing order - ] 27578150, 28055666 
[(9 ) "
[1] "CS 4 (4): "                        " cfa1: [ 28055666 - 28835230 ] "  
[3] "  779564 "                         " 5 "                              
[5] " hsa6: [ 132311008 - 133132200 ] " "] 28835230, 29482792 [(7 ) "      
[1] "CS 5 (46): "                       " cfa1: [ 29482792 - 40120672 ] "  
[3] "  10637880 "                       " 4 "                              
[5] " hsa6: [ 133604208 - 146227152 ] " "] 40120672, 40539680 [(8 ) "      
[1] "CS 6 (9): "                        " cfa1: [ 40539680 - 43339444 ] "  
[3] "  2799764 "                        " 3 "                              
[5] " hsa6: [ 146390608 - 149867328 ] " "] 43339444, 43390788 [(13 ) "     
[1] "CSO 7.1 (74): "                                                            
[2] " cfa1: [ 43390788 - 59714992 ] "                                           
[3] "  16324204 "                                                               
[4] " 5  "                                                                      
[5] " hsa6: [ 149929104 - 169714432 ]- Increasing order -] 59714992, 59864308 [ 
[1] "CSO 7.2 (52): "                                        
[2] " cfa1: [ 59864308 - 72417520 ] "                       
[3] "  12553212 "                                           
[4] " 4  "                                                  
[5] " hsa6: [ 116707976 - 131508152 ]- Increasing order -  "
[6] "] 72417520, 73256040 [(7 ) "                           
[1] "CSO 8.1 (12): "                                     
[2] " cfa1: [ 73256040 - 75192808 ] "                    
[3] "  1936768 "                                         
[4] " 6  "                                               
[5] " hsa9: [ 98441680 - 96360824 ]- Decreasing order - "
[6] "] 75192808, 75272528 [ "                            
[7] " (6 )"                                              
[1] "CSO 8.2 (56): "                                     
[2] " cfa1: [ 75272528 - 91881664 ] "                    
[3] "  16609136 "                                        
[4] " 3  "                                               
[5] " hsa9: [ 89530256 - 70341312 ]- Decreasing order - "
[6] "] 91881664, 92281272 [ "                            
[7] " (5 )"                                              
[1] "CSO 8.3 (22): "                                   
[2] " cfa1: [ 92281272 - 96913624 ] "                  
[3] "  4632352 "                                       
[4] " 5  "                                             
[5] " hsa9: [ 261625 - 5755076 ]- Increasing order -  "
[6] "] 96913624, 98067040 [ "                          
[7] " (5 )"                                            
[1] "CSO 8.4 (15): "                                                            
[2] " cfa1: [ 98067040 - 100692560 ]   2625520 "                                
[3] " 6  "                                                                      
[4] " hsa9: [ 93833248 - 89771184 ]- Decreasing order - ] 100692560, 101013264 
[ "
[5] "(13 )"                                                                     
[1] "CSO 8.5 (18): "                                                            
[2] " cfa1: [ 101013264 - 102120080 ]  1106816 "                                
[3] " 16  "                                                                     
[4] " hsa9: [ 95832896 - 94012312 ]- Decreasing order -] 102271920,102458192 
[(25 ) "
[1] "CS 9 (55): "                               
[2] " cfa1: [ 102458192 - 105936824 ]  3478632 "
[3] " 16 "                                      
[4] " hsa19: [ 63765096 - 59618416 ] "          
[5] "] 105936824, 106097392 [(35 ) "            
[1] "CSO 10.1 (81): "                                     
[2] " cfa1: [ 106097392 - 110263696 ]  4166304 "          
[3] " 19  "                                               
[4] " hsa19: [ 59386008 - 54256216 ]- Decreasing order - "
[5] "] 110263696,110288752 [ (60 )"                       
[1] "CSO 10.2 (18): "                                     
[2] " cfa1: [ 110288752 - 110567608 ]  278856 "           
[3] " 65  "                                               
[4] " hsa19: [ 54163196 - 53814360 ]- Decreasing order - "
[5] "] 110567608,110575576 [ (50 )"                       
[1] "CSO 10.3 (60): "                                     
[2] " cfa1: [ 110575576 - 112727048 ]  2151472 "          
[3] " 28  "                                               
[4] " hsa19: [ 53649284 - 50959884 ]- Decreasing order - "
[5] "] 112727048,112775144 [(40 ) "                       
[1] "CS 11 (173): "                             
[2] " cfa1: [ 112775144 - 119848336 ]  7073192 "
[3] " 24 "                                      
[4] " hsa19: [ 50887772 - 40849556 ] "          
[5] "] 119848336, 119880560 [(55 ) "            
[1] "CS 12 (33): "                              
[2] " cfa1: [ 119880560 - 121690672 ]  1810112 "
[3] " 18 "                                      
[4] " hsa19: [ 40824500 - 38556448 ] "          
[5] "] 121690672, 121820640 [(16 ) "            
[1] "CS 13 (22): "                              
[2] " cfa1: [ 121820640 - 124798800 ]  2978160 "
[3] " 7 "                                       
[4] " hsa19: [ 38391408 - 34709332 ] "          
[5] "] 124798800, Telomere [(-NA-) "            

Listing breakpoints, Conserved Segments and Conserved Segments Ordered 
locations :


Reference Chromosome (1) vs Dataset 2


CS(O) id (number of marker/anchor)       Location(s) on reference       CS(O) 
size      CS(O) density on reference chromosome   Location(s) on tested   
Breakpoints CS(O) locations (denstiy of marker/anchor)

CS 1 (73):       cfa1: [ 3251712 - 24126920 ]     20875208       3       hsa18: 
[ 132170848 - 50139168 ]        ] 24126920, 24153560 [(8 ) 
CS 2 (3):        cfa1: [ 24153560 - 24265894 ]    112334         27      hsa18: 
[ 50105060 - 49934572 ]         ] 24265894, 24823786 [(7 ) 
CSO 3.1 (6):     cfa1: [ 24823786 - 27113036 ]    2289250        3       hsa18: 
[ 48121156 - 46579500 ]- Decreasing order - ] 27113036, 27418228 [ (13)
CSO 3.2 (4):     cfa1: [ 27418228 - 27578150 ]    159922         25      hsa18: 
[ 13872043 - 13208795 ]- Decreasing order - ] 27578150, 28055666 [(9 ) 
CS 4 (4):        cfa1: [ 28055666 - 28835230 ]    779564         5       hsa6: 
[ 132311008 - 133132200 ]        ] 28835230, 29482792 [(7 ) 
CS 5 (46):       cfa1: [ 29482792 - 40120672 ]    10637880       4       hsa6: 
[ 133604208 - 146227152 ]        ] 40120672, 40539680 [(8 ) 
CS 6 (9):        cfa1: [ 40539680 - 43339444 ]    2799764        3       hsa6: 
[ 146390608 - 149867328 ]        ] 43339444, 43390788 [(13 ) 
CSO 7.1 (74):    cfa1: [ 43390788 - 59714992 ]    16324204       5       hsa6: 
[ 149929104 - 169714432 ]- Increasing order -] 59714992, 59864308 [ (15)
CSO 7.2 (52):    cfa1: [ 59864308 - 72417520 ]    12553212       4       hsa6: 
[ 116707976 - 131508152 ]- Increasing order -    ] 72417520, 73256040 [(7 ) 
CSO 8.1 (12):    cfa1: [ 73256040 - 75192808 ]    1936768        6       hsa9: 
[ 98441680 - 96360824 ]- Decreasing order -      ] 75192808, 75272528 [   (6 )
CSO 8.2 (56):    cfa1: [ 75272528 - 91881664 ]    16609136       3       hsa9: 
[ 89530256 - 70341312 ]- Decreasing order -      ] 91881664, 92281272 [   (5 )
CSO 8.3 (22):    cfa1: [ 92281272 - 96913624 ]    4632352        5       hsa9: 
[ 261625 - 5755076 ]- Increasing order -         ] 96913624, 98067040 [   (5 )
CSO 8.4 (15):    cfa1: [ 98067040 - 100692560 ]   2625520        6       hsa9: 
[ 93833248 - 89771184 ]- Decreasing order - ] 100692560, 101013264 [     (13 )
CSO 8.5 (18):    cfa1: [ 101013264 - 102120080 ]  1106816        16      hsa9: 
[ 95832896 - 94012312 ]- Decreasing order -] 102271920,102458192 [(25 ) 
CS 9 (55):       cfa1: [ 102458192 - 105936824 ]  3478632        16      hsa19: 
[ 63765096 - 59618416 ]         ] 105936824, 106097392 [(35 ) 
CSO 10.1 (81):   cfa1: [ 106097392 - 110263696 ]  4166304        19      hsa19: 
[ 59386008 - 54256216 ]- Decreasing order -     ] 110263696,110288752 [ (60 )
CSO 10.2 (18):   cfa1: [ 110288752 - 110567608 ]  278856         65      hsa19: 
[ 54163196 - 53814360 ]- Decreasing order -     ] 110567608,110575576 [ (50 )
CSO 10.3 (60):   cfa1: [ 110575576 - 112727048 ]  2151472        28      hsa19: 
[ 53649284 - 50959884 ]- Decreasing order -     ] 112727048,112775144 [(40 ) 
CS 11 (173):     cfa1: [ 112775144 - 119848336 ]  7073192        24      hsa19: 
[ 50887772 - 40849556 ]         ] 119848336, 119880560 [(55 ) 
CS 12 (33):      cfa1: [ 119880560 - 121690672 ]  1810112        18      hsa19: 
[ 40824500 - 38556448 ]         ] 121690672, 121820640 [(16 ) 
CS 13 (22):      cfa1: [ 121820640 - 124798800 ]  2978160        7       hsa19: 
[ 38391408 - 34709332 ]         ] 124798800, Telomere [(-NA-) 
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