On Jun 29, 2010, at 3:05 PM, Yi wrote:

Hi, folks,

I am sorry that I did not state the problem correctly yesterday.

Please let me address the problem by the following codes:


## You may understand values in the first column are the unique codes for
those in the second column.
####So 'u' is only for usa. Replicate values appear the same rows for the
first and second columns.
### Now I want to delete replicate rows with the same values in first
(sceond) rows
####and sum up values in the third column for the same values.

sum=cast(mm,first~variable,sum) ### This does not work.

###I tried another way to do this
mm= melt(data, id='first',measure='third')

## But then the problem is how to 'merge' the result with the second column
in the dataset.

> data$summed <- ave(data$third, data$first, FUN=sum)
#computed sums within groups defined by "first"
> data[!duplicated(data$first), c("first", "second", "summed")]
#remove duplicates and leave out "third"

  first  second summed
1     u     usa      8
2     b  Brazil      2
3     e England     13
4     k   Korea      4
5     j   Japan      5
6     c   China     15
8     f  France      8

The expected dataframe is like this:

(I showed a wrong expected dataframe yesterday.)

    first   second  third
1      u     usa      8
2      b   Brazil     2
3      e  England   13
4      k   Korea     4
5      j   Japan      5
6      c   China     15
8      f  France     8

Thanks in advance.

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