If you are exporting your dataframes to Excel on Windows and
if you have Excel installed and 
if you are willing to make your hands dirty by programming VBA 
(the programming language built into Excel) and
if you are willing to install RExcel
(by way of the CRAN package RExcelInstaller or by visiting rcom.univie.ac.at)
then here is some code which transfers all dataframes in the
global environment in R into separate worksheets in the active workbook in 
This version adds the name of the dataframe as a header on the sheet and also
uses it as the name of the worksheet.
It should be easy to adapt this to add headers and worksheet names of your 
If you want to use this code, you have to set a reference to RExcelVBALib in the
workbook with the VBA code below.
I you have never used RExcel before: There are many examples
demonstrating different techniques to connect R and Excel for
data transfer and computation.


Option Explicit

Sub TransferToExcel(dfName As String, header As String)
    Dim myWs As Worksheet
        Set myWs = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
        myWs.Name = dfName
        myWs.Cells(1, 1).Value = header
        rinterface.GetDataframe dfName, myWs.Cells(2, 1)
End Sub

Sub DoIt()
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim dfNames As Variant
    Dim myDfName As String
    dfNames = RDataFrameNames()
    For i = LBound(dfNames) To UBound(dfNames)
        myDfName = CStr(dfNames(i, LBound(dfNames, 2)))
        TransferToExcel myDfName, myDfName
    Next i
End Sub

Function RDataFrameNames() As Variant
    Dim cmdString As String
    Dim myDfNames As Variant
    cmdString = "dfpos<-sapply(ls(),function(x)is.data.frame(eval(as.name(x))))"
    rinterface.RRun cmdString
    cmdString = "dfnames<-ls()[dfpos]"
    rinterface.RRun cmdString
    myDfNames = rinterface.GetRExpressionValueToVBA("dfnames")
    RInterface.RRun "rm(dfnames,dfpos)"
    RDataFrameNames = myDfNames
End Function

On Jul 15, 2010, at 3:29 AM, Whit Armstrong wrote:

> It isn't beautiful, but I use this package to write excel files from linux.
> http://github.com/armstrtw/Rexcelpoi

Erich Neuwirth
Didactic Center for Computer Science and Institute for Scientific Computing
University of Vienna

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