Try this:

aggregate(example[c('x', 'y')], example[c('id', 'Year')], 'mean')

On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 11:46 AM, steven mosher <>wrote:

> Assuming a data frame or matrix with two columns representing variable that
> you want to aggregate over.
> you want to calculate column means, by year, for each Id
> example<-data.frame(id=c(rep(12345,5),rep(54321,6),rep(45678,7)),Year=rep(seq(1900,1902,by=1),6),
> x=seq(1,18,by=1),y=seq(18,1,by=-1))
>  example
>      id Year  x  y
> 1  12345 1900  1 18
> 2  12345 1901  2 17
> 3  12345 1902  3 16
> 4  12345 1900  4 15
> 5  12345 1901  5 14
> 6  54321 1902  6 13
> 7  54321 1900  7 12
> 8  54321 1901  8 11
> 9  54321 1902  9 10
> 10 54321 1900 10  9
> 11 54321 1901 11  8
> 12 45678 1902 12  7
> 13 45678 1900 13  6
> 14 45678 1901 14  5
> 15 45678 1902 15  4
> 16 45678 1900 16  3
> 17 45678 1901 17  2
> 18 45678 1902 18  1
>  result<-by(example[,3:4], example$id, by(example[,3:4],
> example$Year,colMeans, na.rm=T))
> Error in FUN(X[[1L]], ...) : could not find function "FUN
> desired result should look like:
>  id          Year  meanx mean y
> 1  12345 1900   ...        ...
> 2  12345 1901   ...
> 3  12345 1902   ...
> 4  54321 1900
> 5  54321 1901
> 6  54321 1902
> 7 45678 1900
> 8 45678 1901
> 9 45678 1902
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