CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week

New packages

* DCGL (1.0)
  Bao-Hong Liu

  Functions for basic differential coexpression analyses: gene
  filtering, link filtering, DCG (Differentially-Coexpressed Gene)
  identification and DCL (Differentially-Coexpressed Links)
  identification.Two algorithms,named DCP and DCe, are provided for
  DCG-identification or DCG and DCL-identification.

* fmsb (0.11)
  Minato Nakazawa

  Several utility functions for the book entitled "Practices of Medical
  and Health Data Analysis using R" (Pearson Education Japan, 2007)

* IniStatR (1.0.0)
  Frederic Bertrand

  This packages provides datasets for the book "Initiation à la
  Statistique avec R", Dunod, 2010.

* isva (1.0)

  Independent Surrogate Variable Analysis is a general algorithm for
  feature selection in the presence of potentially confounding

* mritc (0.3-1)
  Dai Feng

  Various methods for MRI tissue classification.

* mutoss (0.1-1)
  Kornelius Rohmeyer

  The Mutoss package and accompanying mutossGUI package are designed to
  ease the application and comparison of multiple hypothesis testing

* mutossGUI (0.1-2)
  Kornelius Rohmeyer

  A graphical user interface for the MuToss Project

* refund (0.1-0)
  Lei Huang

  Functions for regression with functional data.  The principal methods
  currently implemented are (1) functional-response/scalar-predictor
  regression by penalized OLS or GLS; and (2) functional principal
  component regression for scalar responses and functional predictors.

* soiltexture (1.0)
  Julien MOEYS

  "The Soil Texture Wizard" is a set of R functions designed to 
  texture triangles (also called texture plots, texture diagrams,
  texture ternary plots), classify and transform soil textures data.
  These functions virtually allows to plot any soil texture triangle /
  classification into any triangle geometry (isosceles, right-angled
  triangles, etc.). This set of function is expected to be useful to
  people using soil textures data from different soil texture
  classification or different particle size systems. Several texture
  triangles are predefined: USDA; FAO (which is also the triangle for
  the soil map of Europe); Aisne (France); GEPPA (France); German
  triangle (Bodenkundliche Kartieranleitung 1994); Soil Survey of
  England and Wales (UK); Australian triangle; Belgian triangle;
  Canadian triangle; ISSS triangle; Romanian traingle. The Soil
  Texture Wizard is initially develloped from the functions
  'soil.texture()' from the package 'plotrix' by Jim Lemon et al.

* TunePareto (1.0)
  Hans Kestler

  Generic methods for parameter tuning of classification algorithms
  using multiple scoring functions

Updated packages

ade4 (1.4-16), adlift (1.2-3), AICcmodavg (1.08), aqp (0.94-1), aspace
(2.5), aspace (2.4), BioStatR (1.0.2), bnlearn (2.2), caret (4.54),
caret (4.53), clustTool (1.6.5), coarseDataTools (0.3),
constrainedKriging (0.1.2), DEMEtics (0.8.1), emdbook (, FitAR
(1.80), fpc (2.0-2), futile.paradigm (1.0.1), futile.paradigm (1.0.2),
gamlss (4.0-3), gamlss.add (4.0-1), (4.0-1), genoPlotR
(0.5.1), GEOmap (1.5-9), GEVcdn (1.0.2), GillespieSSA (0.5-4), gllm
(0.33), glmperm (1.0-3), gRapHD (0.1.7), HFWutils (,
hts (1.3), HWEintrinsic (1.1.1), igraph (0.5.4-1), intervals (0.13.3),
ipw (1.0-6), laeken (0.1.3), LDheatmap (0.2-9), lme4 (0.999375-35),
lmPerm (1.1-2), lordif (0.1-6), lpSolveAPI (, magma (0.2.1-3),
MCMCglmm (2.06), mondate (, mondate (, mratios
(1.3.13), nacopula (0.4-3), nleqslv (1.7), nlt (2.1-1), NMF (0.5),
pROC (1.3.1), qpcR (1.3-1), qpcR (1.3-0), qtl (1.18-7), qualityTools
(1.01), R.utils (1.5.0), r4ss (1.10), rAverage (0.3-3), rbounds (0.5),
RcmdrPlugin.HH (1.1-26), robCompositions (1.4.3), RPMG (2.0-0), RSEIS
(2.4-4), rTOFsPRO (1.2), Runiversal (1.0.1), rwm (1.52), sdcMicro
(2.6.5), sem (0.9-21), simFrame (0.3.2), simFrame (0.3.3), simFrame
(0.3.1), spdep (0.5-19), spikeslab (1.1.1), TGUICore (0.9.12),
TGUITeaching (0.9.12), tm (0.5-4), traitr (0.10), TraMineR (1.6-1),
TSAgg (0.2-0), vegan (1.17-4), VIM (1.4.1), wq (0.2-5)

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