Dear Elaine

I'm developing a code to make a 3 y-axes plot. It may can help you.

Also your question leads to mine, posted yesterday: How does R calculate the interval between tick-marks.

Below follows the code I'm developing.


ANO     CKG             NUP     NDE
2005    26352158        1500    25014
2006    32514789        2100    35024
2007    27458126        1800    30254
2008    28568971        1500    43254
2009    32564789        3000    60320


# I use comma as decimal symbol so I use dec=","
dat.caupde <- read.delim("clipboard",dec=",",header=T)

      ANO            CKG                NUP            NDE
 Min.   :2005   Min.   :26352158   Min.   :1500   Min.   :25014
 1st Qu.:2006   1st Qu.:27458126   1st Qu.:1500   1st Qu.:30254
 Median :2007   Median :28568971   Median :1800   Median :35024
 Mean   :2007   Mean   :29491767   Mean   :1980   Mean   :38773
 3rd Qu.:2008   3rd Qu.:32514789   3rd Qu.:2100   3rd Qu.:43254
 Max.   :2009   Max.   :32564789   Max.   :3000   Max.   :60320

# here I indicate the limits of each axes and calculate their ranges
y1min <- 26
y1max <- 33
y1range <- y1max-y1min
y2min <- 1500
y2max <- 3000
y2range <- y2max-y2min
y3min <- 25
y3max <- 61
y3range <- y3max-y3min

# making the plot
# y1range*((NUP-y2min)/y2range)+y1min calculates the proportion to between axes

par(mar=c(6, 6, 2,12))
plot(CKG/1000000, ylim=c(y1min,y1max), ylab="landings (1000 t)", type="l",col="red",las=0, cex.axis=1.2,cex.lab=1.4,xaxt="n",xlab="")
points( y1range*((NUP-y2min)/y2range)+y1min,type="l",col="blue")
points( y1range*((NDE/1000-y3min)/y3range)+y1min,type="l",col="darkgreen")

# the number 1 in axis(4,at=seq(y1min,y1max,1 ... is the interval between each tick-mark
axis(4,at=seq(y1min,y1max,1), labels=as.integer(seq(y3min,y3max,y3range/y1range)),cex.axis=1.2, las=0,line=5)
mtext("nº of fishing boats",4,3,cex=1.4)
mtext("nº of fishing trips (x1000)",4,8, cex=1.4)
legend(4,33,c("L","Nº FB","Nº FT"),bty="n",lty=c(1,1,1),col=c("red","blue","darkgreen"),cex=1.4)

Now I want to replace the number "1" by the formula used to calculate the interval between tick-marks. Why, with the range 26-33, R choose unitary intervals for the y axis (26, 27, 28 ...)?

All the best,

Antonio Olinto

Citando elaine kuo <>:

Dear List,

I have a richness data distributing across 20 N to 20 S latitude. (120 E-140
E longitude).

I would like to draw the richness in the north hemisphere and a regression
line in the plot
(x-axis: latitude, y-axis: richness in the north hemisphere).
The above demand is done using plot.

Then, south hemisphere richness and regression are required to be generated
the same y-axis above but an x-axis on the left side of the y-axis.
(The higher latitude in the south hemisphere, the left it would move)

Please kindly share how to design the south plot and regression line for
Also, please advise if any more info is in need.


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