On 01/09/2010 8:56 AM, khush ........ wrote:
Hi all ,
I have following script to plot some data.
plot( c(1,1100), c(0,15), type='n', xlab='', ylab='', ylim=c(0.1,25) ,
axis (1, at = seq(0,1100,50), las =2)
axis (2, at = seq(0,25,1), las =2)
lines( c(1,304),c(0,0),col='grey', lwd=3 )
lines( c(1,238),c(1,1),col='grey', lwd=3 )
segments(86, 0 ,270,col = "green", pch=23, cex="9", lty="solid",
segments(74,1 ,238,col = "green", pch=23, cex="9", lty="solid",
When I source("script.R"), I got the image on interface but I do not want to
use screenshot option to save the image? How can save the output to .pdf or
.jpg format?
Open the appropriate device at the start of the script, and close it at
the end. See ?pdf and ?jpeg for the details of how to open; use
dev.off() to close.
Duncan Murdoch
Thanks in advance
Thank you
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