Thank you Jorge Iván:

Im working on a Linux platform, and with a recent pathed version of R.
Does it work on windows?

R version 2.11.1 Patched (2010-09-10 r52887)
Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)

 [1] LC_CTYPE=es_CO.UTF-8          LC_NUMERIC=C
LC_TIME=es_CO.UTF-8           LC_COLLATE=es_CO.UTF-8
 [6] LC_MESSAGES=es_CO.UTF-8       LC_PAPER=es_CO.UTF-8
LC_NAME=es_CO.UTF-8           LC_ADDRESS=es_CO.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] splines   stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods

other attached packages:
[1] multcomp_1.2-0     survival_2.35-8    mvtnorm_0.9-92
RColorBrewer_1.0-2 lattice_0.19-11    rkward_0.5.3      

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] grid_2.11.1  tools_2.11.1

El mar, 14-09-2010 a las 12:37 -0400, Jorge Ivan Velez escribió:
> Hola Kenneth,
> Acabo de correrlo en un Mac y funciona bien. Cual es tu sessionInfo()?
> Saludos,
> Jorge
> > sessionInfo()
> R version 2.11.1 Patched (2010-05-31 r52180) 
> x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0 
> locale:
> [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
> attached base packages:
> [1] splines   stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets
>  methods   base     
> other attached packages:
> [1] multcomp_1.2-0  survival_2.35-8 mvtnorm_0.9-92  seqinr_3.0-0
>  MuMIn_0.13.14  
> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
> [1] tools_2.11.1
> On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 12:34 PM, Kenneth Roy Cabrera Torres
> <> wrote:
>         Hi R users:
>         I have de following data frame (called "Sx")
>          Descripcion         Nitratos
>              Cont85g            72.40
>              Cont85g           100.50
>              Cont85g           138.30
>              Cont80g           178.33
>              Cont80g            79.01
>              Cont80g            74.16
>              Cont75g            23.70
>              Cont75g            15.80
>              Cont75g            16.20
>            Patron80g            88.93
>            Patron80g           113.01
>            Patron80g            86.53
>         If I run this code without the "pdf" device
>         it works fine on the screen, but when I
>         use the "pdf" device it does not show in
>         the "plot1.pdf" file what I got on the screen.
>         What am I doing wrong?
>         Thank you for your help.
>         library(multcomp)
>         Sx<-data.frame(Descripcion=
>                      factor(c("Cont85g","Cont85g","Cont85g",
>                               "Cont80g","Cont80g","Cont80g",
>                               "Cont75g","Cont75g","Cont75g",
>                               "Patron80g","Patron80g","Patron80g")),
>                       Nitratos=c(72.40,100.50, 138.30,
>                                 178.33,79.01,74.16,
>                                 23.70, 15.80,16.20,
>                                 88.93,113.01,86.53))
>         pdf("plot1.pdf")
>         m1<-aov(Nitratos~Descripcion-1,data=Sx)
>         vect1<-table(Sx$Descripcion)
>         K<-contrMat(vect1,base=4)
>         dnk<-glht(m1,linfct=K)
>         summary(dnk)
>         old.par<-par(no.readonly = TRUE)
>         par(mai=c(1,2,1.25,1),mgp=c(3,1,0))
>         print(plot(dnk,las=1,xlab=""))
>         print(abline(v=0,lty=2))
>         par(old.par)
>         ______________________________________________
> mailing list
>         PLEASE do read the posting guide
>         and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible
>         code.

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