In an intervention study with subjects randomly allocated to two treatments 
(treat A and B) and three time points (time) plus an additional baseline 
measurement (dv_base), I've set up the following model to test for differences 
in temporal courses of treatments for the outcome (dv), thereby allowing for 
individual intercepts and slopes:

lmer(dv ~ dv_base+treat*time+(1+time|subject))

Fixed effects:
                    Estimate  Std. Error DF t value
(Intercept)        -1.080041   0.126665  58  -8.527
dv_base            -0.888656   0.090617  53  -9.807
treatB              0.645455   0.190541  53   3.387
time               -0.001726   0.163044  58  -0.011
treatB:time         0.377888   0.271972  58   1.389

I'm interested now in comparing estimated treatment means for let's say the 
last time point and I've centered 'time' accordingly. The term 'treatB' shows 
the difference which is relatively high and significantly different from 0 
(t(53)=3.387). Now I want to compute the effect size of this difference, based 
on the model, not on the observed values. From my understanding I could obtain 
raw effect sizes by simply reporting the value of the term 'treatB' (=0.645). 
When it comes to standardized effect sizes (comparable to Cohen's d) I could 
simply take the t-value and the degrees of freedom and use the formula 

My question: Is this a correct procedure? I'm somewhat unsure as I've never 
encountered it in the literature.

And help on this is greatly appreciated.


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