Thanks for the help 
I have tried the one that uses xtab() and the answer is correct because when I 
was using the rbind() still getting the same error message…
Now I have some more questions …
I am trying to be able to adapt this for any kind of data of the same structure 
so now im thinking about few points

1. what is there is no row name : (center1,center2) assuming the rows 
automatically present that

2. what if I don’t have the column names: considering that there is no rows 
names as well:  
assuming odd columns are age and even ones are numbers of ppl. 

3. And Time? How to automatically match this … 
I have tried with ncol() but because now I have name of the rows there its 
giving me a number like 5.5 which is not helpful

thanks again

From: David Winsemius <>

Cc: Dennis Murphy <>;
Sent: Tue, 14 September, 2010 2:24:19
Subject: Re: [R] reshape matrix entities to columns

On Sep 13, 2010, at 8:51 PM, Natasha Asar wrote:

I am trying this as you mentioned and getting an error which i cant fix
>do you know where is the problem? 
>> df2[] <- 0
>> df2
>          X age no. age.1 no..1 age.2 no..2 age.3 no..3 age.4 no..4
>1   center1   3   9     6     4     9     1    10     1     0     0
>2   center2   5   3     9     2     0     0     0     0     0     0
>3   center3   2   2     5     8     7     3     0     0     0     0
>4   center4   1  12     4     7     8     3     9     1     0     0
>5   center5   6   9     8     5     0     0     0     0     0     0
>6   center6   4   8     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
>7   center7   9   5     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
>8   center8   4   7     6     3     7     1     8     1     9     2
>9   center9   7   3     9     1    10     2     0     0     0     0
>10 center10  10   5     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
>> df3 <- rbind(df2, data.frame(center=1,time=1, age=1:max(df2$age), n=0))
>Error in rbind(deparse.level, ...) : 
>  numbers of columns of arguments do not match
I was doing the rbind on df2 after it was reshaped to long structure and before 
it was xtab()-ed to back wide structure

df2 <- reshape(df, idvar = 'center', varying =
  list(c(paste('age', 1:5, sep = '')), c(paste('n', 1:5, sep = ''))),
  v.names = c('age', 'n'), times = 1:5, direction = 'long')
   center time age  n
1.1      1    1   6 10
2.1      2    1   7 12
3.1      3    1   5  6
1.2      1    2   8 13
2.2      2    2   8 14
3.2      3    2   8 NA
1.3      1    3  10  9
2.3      2    3  10 NA
3.3      3    3   9 10
1.4      1    4  12  7
2.4      2    4  11 16
3.4      3    4  11 12
1.5      1    5  14 10
2.5      2    5  14 13
3.5      3    5  13  9

Then do the rbind so while  the columns match up.

xtabs then puts zeros back in for each empty cell with a level.


From: Dennis Murphy <>
>To: David Winsemius <>
>Sent: Sun, 12 September, 2010 23:16:47
>Subject: Re: [R] reshape matrix entities to columns
>Thanks, David; I overlooked that part.
>On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 1:18 PM, David Winsemius <>wrote:
>> On Sep 12, 2010, at 3:34 PM, Dennis Murphy wrote:
>>  Hi:
>>> Natasha said:
>>> ********
>>> I changed it so i hope it will look better now
>>> the matrix is like this:
>>>                Age    No.  Age  No.  Age    No.
>>> Center1    5        2          8      7
>>> Center2    10      7        20    9      4          10
>>> column name = sequence of age-no.
>>> But what I want the data to look like is this
>>> Age
>>> 1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9    10
>>>      20
>>> Center1                                      2                        7
>>> Center2
>>> 10                                                7              9
>>> column name= age of ppl
>>> entries = number of ppl with that age in on center
>>> *********
>>> It's a continuation of the reshape problem, but we have to
>>> change the NAs in the reshaped data frame to zeros first:
>>> df2[] <- 0
>>> xtabs(n ~ center + age, data = df2)
>>>    age
>>> center  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14
>>>    1  0 10  0 13  0  9  0  7  0 10
>>>    2  0  0 12 14  0  0 16  0  0 13
>>>    3  6  0  0  0 10  0 12  0  9  0
>>> How's that?
>> You've done all the hard work, but the OP wanted the full range of age
>> values from 1:max and that pretty easy to do with one further step that adds
>> entries fo the missing age levels:
>> > df3 <- rbind(df2, data.frame(center=1,time=1, age=1:max(df2$age), n=0))
>> > xtabs(n ~ center + age, data = df3)
>>      age
>> center  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14
>>    1  0  0  0  0  0 10  0 13  0  9  0  7  0 10
>>    2  0  0  0  0  0  0 12 14  0  0 16  0  0 13
>>    3  0  0  0  0  6  0  0  0 10  0 12  0  9  0
>> --
>> David.
>>  Dennis
>>> On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 9:46 AM, Dennis Murphy <> wrote:
>>>  Hi:
>>>> Here's a made up example using the reshape function:
>>>> Input data:
>>>> df <- structure(list(center = 1:3, age1 = c(6L, 7L, 5L), n1 = c(10L,
>>>> 12L, 6L), age2 = c(8L, 8L, 8L), n2 = c(13L, 14L, NA), age3 = c(10L,
>>>> 10L, 9L), n3 = c(9L, NA, 10L), age4 = c(12L, 11L, 11L), n4 = c(7L,
>>>> 16L, 12L), age5 = c(14L, 14L, 13L), n5 = c(10L, 13L, 9L)), .Names =
>>>> c("center",
>>>> "age1", "n1", "age2", "n2", "age3", "n3", "age4", "n4", "age5",
>>>> "n5"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -3L))
>>>> df
>>>>  center age1 n1 age2 n2 age3 n3 age4 n4 age5 n5
>>>> 1      1    6 10    8 13  10  9  12  7  14 10
>>>> 2      2    7 12    8 14  10 NA  11 16  14 13
>>>> 3      3    5  6    8 NA    9 10  11 12  13  9
>>>> # To reshape more than one variable at a time, you need
>>>> # to put the sets of variables into a list, as follows:
>>>> df2 <- reshape(df, idvar = 'center', varying =
>>>>  list(c(paste('age', 1:5, sep = '')), c(paste('n', 1:5, sep = ''))),
>>>>  v.names = c('age', 'n'), times = 1:5, direction = 'long')
>>>> df2
>>>>  center time age  n
>>>> 1.1      1    1  6 10
>>>> 2.1      2    1  7 12
>>>> 3.1      3    1  5  6
>>>> 1.2      1    2  8 13
>>>> 2.2      2    2  8 14
>>>> 3.2      3    2  8 NA
>>>> 1.3      1    3  10  9
>>>> 2.3      2    3  10 NA
>>>> 3.3      3    3  9 10
>>>> 1.4      1    4  12  7
>>>> 2.4      2    4  11 16
>>>> 3.4      3    4  11 12
>>>> 1.5      1    5  14 10
>>>> 2.5      2    5  14 13
>>>> 3.5      3    5  13  9
>>>> HTH,
>>>> Dennis

>>>> >wrote:
>>>>  Greeting R helpers J
>>>>> I am not familiar with R but I have to use it to analyze data set that I
>>>>> have
>>>>> (30,000 20,000)
>>>>> I want to change the structure of the dataset and I am wondering how
>>>>> that
>>>>> might
>>>>> be possible in R
>>>>> A main data looks like this:  some entities are empty
>>>>> Age        No.        Age        No.        Age        No.
>>>>> Center1                5              2              8
>>>>> 7
>>>>> Center2                                10          7              20
>>>>> 9              4              10
>>>>> But what I want the data to look like is
>>>>> Age                        1              2              3
>>>>> 4              5              6              7              8
>>>>> 9              10
>>>>      20
>>>> Center1
>>>>> 2                                              7
>>>>> Center2
>>>>> 10
>>>>> 7              9
>>>>> It should read the entities one by one
>>>>> when j is in age column take its value and consider it as the column
>>>>> number for
>>>>> new matrix
>>>>> then go to next entity (j No. columns) and put that entity under the
>>>>> columns
>>>>> number identified in previous step.
>>>>> In other word
>>>>> it should get the each element in No. columns (one by one) and place
>>>>> them
>>>>> in a
>>>>> new matrix under the column number which are equal to entity of age
>>>>> columns of
>>>>> first matrix
>>>>> i have tired ncol, and cbind and things like that but I guess im on the
>>>>> wrong
>>>>> path because it is not working.  I am reading this fine with read.csv
>>>>> and
>>>>> writing back the same way.
>>>>> do you know how I can make this work?? Is it even possible to do
>>>>> something
>>>>> like
>>>>> this?
>>>>> Thank you in advance
>>>>> Natasha
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