That parameter is the difference between the estimated parameter for the product of reflection and angleNoise in regions where reflection was < Break(xMin) compared with the same product's parameter in those regions of 3-space where reflection was not. In general it is at best merely speculative (and generally rather dangerous) to interpret the meanings of individual parameters which apply to variables that are modeled with interactions. It is in particular a fool's errand to look at the std errors of such parameters. Anova tables compared across nested models are much less misleading.

You certainly _cannot_ say that there is more "importance" in the region where reflection is < Break[min]. The parameter is measuring differences between both regions. If you had instead constructed the model with the reversed inequality, the parameter would have been of the same magnitude but reverse sign and would have had the same standard error.

It is usually much more informative to examine the predictions that result from the models, and this may be greatly aided by plotting across a range of values, in this case perhaps with persp() or contour(). Dealing with three-way interactions can be particularly messy, so I think it's fair to inquire why you are adding terms to models when you are not prepared to interpret them? Throwing terms into a model with no physical basis can be amusing but rarely good science. You are the domain expert, after all. There should be a design and rationale behind this process.

You will also note that the third and fifth of your five terms were superfluous because all of their estimates were NA. The other three terms covered all the possibilities, since the cases where reflection >= Break[xMin] would be covered by their contribution to the angleNoise*reflction (with (reflection < Break[xMin]) ==0 )

David (son of a son of an engineer)

On Sep 19, 2010, at 3:54 PM, zozio32 wrote:

Hello, I am all new here.
Thanks for the job done, R really helped me in my thesis lately. However, I
am kind of new in statistics, coming from mecanical engineering, and I
mostly teached myself with "The R Book", so I may do silly things some time.
PLease tell me if you think so.

Anyway, I've just build up a piecewise linear model to fit some data,
including some interaction and i am not sure of how to interpret the
here it is:

lm(formula = weightedDiff ~ angleNoise +

                           (reflection < Break[xMin]) *  reflection +

                           (reflection >= Break[xMin]) * reflection +

angleNoise:(reflection < Break[xMin]) * reflection +

angleNoise:(reflection >= Break[xMin]) * reflection)

      Min         1Q     Median         3Q        Max
-1.073e-03 -1.749e-04 -5.913e-06  1.650e-04  1.311e-03

Coefficients: (4 not defined because of singularities)
Estimate Std. Error (Intercept) 0.0134798 0.0001086 angleNoise 0.0004658 0.0002245 reflection < Break[xMin]TRUE -0.0028766 0.0001236 reflection 0.0316122 0.0014741 reflection >= Break[xMin]TRUE NA NA reflection < Break[xMin]TRUE:reflection 0.0683631 0.0027668 reflection:reflection >= Break[xMin]TRUE NA NA angleNoise:reflection < Break[xMin]TRUE 0.0011158 0.0002548 angleNoise:reflection >= Break[xMin]TRUE NA NA angleNoise:reflection < Break[xMin]FALSE:reflection -0.0055751 0.0030620 angleNoise:reflection < Break[xMin]TRUE:reflection -0.0343745 0.0049164 angleNoise:reflection:reflection >= Break[xMin]TRUE NA NA

t value       Pr(>|t|)
124.079  < 2e-16   ***
2.075       0.0384    *
reflection < Break[xMin]TRUE
-23.265   < 2e-16  ***
21.445    < 2e-16  ***
reflection >= Break[xMin]TRUE
NA             NA
reflection < Break[xMin]TRUE:reflection
24.708   < 2e-16    ***
reflection:reflection >= Break[xMin]TRUE NA
angleNoise:reflection < Break[xMin]TRUE 4.379
1.41e-05  ***
angleNoise:reflection >= Break[xMin]TRUE                           NA
angleNoise:reflection < Break[xMin]FALSE:reflection          -1.821
0.0692    .
angleNoise:reflection < Break[xMin]TRUE:reflection            -6.992
7.35e-12  ***
angleNoise:reflection:reflection >= Break[xMin]TRUE          NA
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 0.0002885 on 592 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.9666,     Adjusted R-squared: 0.9662
F-statistic:  2450 on 7 and 592 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

Basically, I am really not sure of the meaning of this parameter:
angleNoise:reflection < Break[xMin]FALSE:reflection

Overall, my interpretation is that reflection is important , angle Noise also but specially when reflection is below the breaking point. Is that

well, sorry for the first long post

thanks in advance

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