Can you send your code and data as separate files so we can get it into R 

Ravi Varadhan, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor,
Division of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology
School of Medicine
Johns Hopkins University

Ph. (410) 502-2619

----- Original Message -----
From: "Doran, Harold" <>
Date: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 10:36 am
Subject: [R] nlminb and optim
To: R-help <>

> I am using both nlminb and optim to get MLEs from a likelihood 
> function I have developed. AFAIK, the model I has not been previously 
> used in this way and so I am struggling a bit to unit test my code 
> since I don't have another data set to compare this kind of estimation 
> to.
> The likelihood I have is (in tex below)
> \begin{equation}
> \label{eqn:marginal}
> L(\beta) = \prod_{s=1}^N \int 
> \prod_{i=1}^K\frac{e^{x_{is}(\theta_s-\beta_i)}} 
> {x_{is}!e^{e^(\theta_s-\beta_i)}} f(\theta)d(\theta)
> \end{equation}
> Where I view $\theta$ as a nuisance parameter and so I integrate it 
> out of the likelihood. The goal is to get parameter estimates for 
> $\beta$. The integral cannot be easily evaluated so I approximate it as:
> \begin{equation}
> \label{eqn:marginal2}
> L(\beta) \approx \prod_{s=1}^N \sum_{q=1}^Q 
> \prod_{i=1}^K\frac{e^{x_{is}(\theta_{q}-\beta_i)}} 
> {x_{is}!e^{e^(\theta_{q}-\beta_i)}} w_q
> \end{equation}
> \noindent where $\theta_{q}$ is the node at quadrature point $q = 1, 
> \ldots, Q$ and $w_q$ is the weight at quadrature point $q$.
> For now, I am assuming $f(\theta)$ is Uniform but this may change and 
> that is not a major issue. Now, I have written a function using both 
> nlminb and optim. I have copied my function below where the arguments 
> are the data set, Q for the number of quadrature points, and an option 
> for providing starting values. I am running into some flow control 
> problems and so I hack it a bit and fix a lower bound as you may see 
> in the function.
> Here is the issue at hand. First, nlminb and optim give different 
> parameter estimates. Optim tells me it converged but nlminb tells me I 
> get relative convergence. If I use different number of quadrature 
> points in optim, I get very different parameter estimates and this 
> should not happen. But, varying the number of quadrature points in 
> nlminb yields the same parameter estimates, but I am not sure the 
> model converged.
> I have also provided the data set I am working with below as well as 
> sessionInfo(). There may be many issues going on here and am grateful 
> for any reactions you all may have. I *think* my likelihood is written 
> properly and I *think* I am handling flow control issues in a 
> relatively decent way. I may be misinterpreting optim or nlminb reports.
> In any event, should anyone take the time to review this and offers 
> pointers I would be grateful.
> Harold
> fit <- function(data, Q, startVal = NULL, ...){
>                 if(!is.null(startVal) && length(startVal) != 
> ncol(data) ){
>                                 stop("Length of argument startVal not 
> equal to the number of parameters estimated")
>                 }
>                 if(!is.null(startVal)){
>                                 startVal <- startVal
>                                 } else {
>                                 startVal <- rep(0, ncol(data))
>                 }
>                 #qq <- gauss.quad.prob(Q, dist = 'normal', mu = 0, sigma=1)
>                 qq <- gauss.quad.prob(Q, dist = 'uniform', alpha = -5, 
> beta=5)
>                 rr1 <- matrix(0, nrow = Q, ncol = nrow(data))
>                 data <- as.matrix(data)
>                 L <- nrow(data)
>                 C <- ncol(data)
>                 fn <- function(b){
>                 b <- b[1:C]
>                                 for(j in 1:Q){
>                                                 for(i in 1:L){
> rr1[j,i] <- prod((exp(data[i,]*(qq$nodes[j]-b))) / 
> (factorial(data[i,]) * exp(exp(qq$nodes[j]-b)))) *
>                                                                 qq$weights[j]
>                                                 }
>                                 }
>                 rr1[rr1==0] <- 1e-10
>                 -sum(log(colSums(rr1)))
>                 }
>                 #opt <- optim(startVal, fn, method = "BFGS", hessian = 
>                 opt <- nlminb(startVal, fn)
>                 #list("coefficients" = opt$par, "LogLik" = -opt$value, 
> "Std.Error" = sqrt(diag(solve(opt$hessian))))
>                 #list("coefficients" = opt$par, "LogLik" = -opt$value)
>                 opt
> }
> fit(data, Q = 10)
> > data
>        cindyR cjR ohsR sdhpR
>   [1,]     24  14    6     9
>   [2,]     19  14    6    10
>   [3,]     19  14    6    10
>   [4,]     17  18    6     8
>   [5,]     19  17    5     8
>   [6,]     17  17    6     9
>   [7,]     13  15    5    11
>   [8,]     19  13    6     8
>   [9,]     21  10    4    11
>  [10,]     16  15    5     9
>  [11,]     14  16    5    10
>  [12,]     14  13    5    10
>  [13,]     17  15    5     8
>  [14,]     16  18    4     8
>  [15,]     16  14    5     8
>  [16,]     18  13    5     8
>  [17,]     15  14    6     7
>  [18,]     16  17    5     7
>  [19,]     18  12    5     8
>  [20,]     18   9    4     9
>  [21,]     17   9    4    10
>  [22,]     18  12    4     8
>  [23,]     15  15    5     7
>  [24,]     16   9    5     8
>  [25,]     18  11    5     7
>  [26,]     18  10    4     9
>  [27,]     15  15    4     7
>  [28,]     16  11    4     9
>  [29,]     11  16    5     8
>  [30,]     11  16    5     8
>  [31,]     16  13    4     8
>  [32,]     13  15    5     7
>  [33,]     17  17    2     9
>  [34,]     18   8    3     9
>  [35,]     13  14    4     8
>  [36,]     16  11    4     8
>  [37,]     16  11    4     8
>  [38,]     15   8    5     9
>  [39,]     14  15    4     8
>  [40,]     15  14    4     7
>  [41,]     14  11    4     8
>  [42,]     13  12    4     9
>  [43,]     15  13    3     8
>  [44,]     12  17    3     8
>  [45,]     20   0    4     8
>  [46,]     14  10    4     9
>  [47,]     11  15    5     7
>  [48,]     14  12    4     8
>  [49,]     11  14    4     8
>  [50,]     13  11    5     7
>  [51,]     12  13    5     6
>  [52,]     16   7    5     7
>  [53,]     10  13    4     8
>  [54,]     15  12    3     7
>  [55,]     16   7    4     8
>  [56,]     16  11    3     7
>  [57,]     12  15    4     7
>  [58,]     19   2    4     8
>  [59,]     13  13    4     7
>  [60,]     15  12    3     7
>  [61,]     14  15    3     7
>  [62,]     19  10    2     8
>  [63,]     13   7    5     7
>  [64,]     16   7    4     7
>  [65,]     16   2    5     7
>  [66,]     12  17    3     7
>  [67,]     13   6    4     9
>  [68,]     15   7    4     7
>  [69,]     13  11    3     8
>  [70,]     15   7    4     7
>  [71,]     12  14    4     6
>  [72,]     14   6    4     8
>  [73,]     15   6    4     7
>  [74,]     13  11    4     7
>  [75,]     15   8    4     7
>  [76,]     13   1    6     7
>  [77,]     12  13    3     7
>  [78,]     13   6    4     8
>  [79,]     16  10    2     7
>  [80,]     11  20    3     6
>  [81,]     12   9    4     7
>  [82,]     16   6    3     8
>  [83,]     18   6    2     8
>  [84,]     12  12    4     6
>  [85,]     14  10    2     7
>  [86,]     15   1    4     8
>  [87,]     12   9    3     8
>  [88,]     12  10    4     6
>  [89,]     14   6    3     7
>  [90,]     15   0    5     7
>  [91,]     17   3    1     9
>  [92,]     14   7    2     7
>  [93,]     13  10    2     8
>  [94,]     13   5    4     7
>  [95,]     18   2    2     7
>  [96,]     15   5    3     7
>  [97,]     11   3    5     7
>  [98,]     11   6    4     6
>  [99,]     16   1    3     8
> [100,]     13   7    3     6
> [101,]     13   4    4     6
> [102,]     15   9    2     6
> [103,]     13   4    3     7
> [104,]     14   4    3     7
> [105,]     17   0    2     8
> [106,]     13   3    2     8
> [107,]      9   7    4     7
> [108,]     11   4    4     6
> [109,]      7  12    3     6
> [110,]      9   7    4     6
> [111,]     14   2    1     9
> [112,]     13  15    0     6
> [113,]      9   5    3     8
> [114,]     11   5    4     6
> [115,]     13   2    2     8
> [116,]      9   4    4     6
> [117,]     14   2    2     6
> [118,]     13   8    0     8
> [119,]     11   7    3     5
> [120,]     16   1    1     7
> [121,]     13   1    3     6
> [122,]     11   4    2     7
> [123,]     11   1    2     8
> [124,]     13   2    2     6
> [125,]     11   5    2     6
> [126,]     14   0    2     7
> [127,]     11   7    2     6
> [128,]      8   8    3     6
> [129,]     10   4    3     6
> [130,]     13   0    2     6
> [131,]     10   2    2     7
> [132,]     10   1    3     6
> [133,]     11   2    2     6
> [134,]     11   0    2     6
> [135,]     10   1    3     6
> [136,]     11   1    2     6
> [137,]     14   1    2     5
> [138,]     10   1    1     7
> [139,]     12   0    2     6
> [140,]     10   0    2     6
> [141,]     11   0    0     6
> > sessionInfo()
> R version 2.10.1 (2009-12-14)
> i386-pc-mingw32
> locale:
> [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252  LC_CTYPE=English_United 
> States.1252    LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
> [4] LC_NUMERIC=C                           LC_TIME=English_United States.1252
> attached base packages:
> [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base
> other attached packages:
> [1] MiscPsycho_1.6  statmod_1.4.6   lattice_0.17-26 gdata_2.8.0
> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
> [1] grid_2.10.1  gtools_2.6.2 tools_2.10.1
>       [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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