Hello Michael,
Thanks very much for the hint to my problem this helps really a lot.
Niklaus Hürlimann
Université de Lausanne
Institut de Minéralogie et Géochimie
CH-1015 Lausanne
E-mail: niklaus.hurlim...@unil.ch
Tel:+41(0)21 692 4452
--- Begin Message ---
Hello Niklaus,
I'm not sure if the following is the sort of thing you are looking for (?)
You can fit an ellipse to your data using a deterministic least
squares method. The following is a function that I use to do this...
fit.ellipse <- function (x, y = NULL)
# Least squares fitting of an ellipse to point data
# using the algorithm described in:
# Radim Halir & Jan Flusser. 1998.
# Numerically stable direct least squares fitting of ellipses.
# Proceedings of the 6th International Conference in Central Europe
# on Computer Graphics and Visualization. WSCG '98, p. 125-132
# Adapted from the original Matlab code by Michael Bedward
# <michael.bedw...@gmail.com>
# Arguments:
# x, y - the x and y coordinates of the data points
# Returns a list with the following elements:
# coef - coefficients of the ellipse as described by the general
# quadratic: ax^2 + bxy + cy^2 + dx + ey + f = 0
# center - center x and y
# major - major semi-axis length
# minor - minor semi-axis length
EPS <- 1.0e-8
dat <- xy.coords(x, y)
D1 <- cbind(dat$x * dat$x, dat$x * dat$y, dat$y * dat$y)
D2 <- cbind(dat$x, dat$y, 1)
S1 <- t(D1) %*% D1
S2 <- t(D1) %*% D2
S3 <- t(D2) %*% D2
T <- -solve(S3) %*% t(S2)
M <- S1 + S2 %*% T
M <- rbind(M[3,] / 2, -M[2,], M[1,] / 2)
evec <- eigen(M)$vec
cond <- 4 * evec[1,] * evec[3,] - evec[2,]^2
a1 <- evec[, which(cond > 0)]
f <- c(a1, T %*% a1)
names(f) <- letters[1:6]
# calculate the center and lengths of the semi-axes
b2 <- f[2]^2 / 4
center <- c((f[3] * f[4] / 2 - b2 * f[5]), (f[1] * f[5] / 2 - f[2] *
f[4] / 4)) / (b2 - f[1] * f[3])
names(center) <- c("x", "y")
num <- 2 * (f[1] * f[5]^2 / 4 + f[3] * f[4]^2 / 4 + f[6] * b2 -
f[2]*f[4]*f[5]/4 - f[1]*f[3]*f[6])
den1 <- (b2 - f[1]*f[3])
den2 <- sqrt((f[1] - f[3])^2 + 4*b2)
den3 <- f[1] + f[3]
semi.axes <- sqrt(c( num / (den1 * (den2 - den3)), num / (den1 *
(-den2 - den3)) ))
# calculate the angle of rotation
term <- (f[1] - f[3]) / f[2]
angle <- atan(1 / term) / 2
list(coef=f, center = center, major = max(semi.axes), minor =
min(semi.axes), angle = unname(angle))
There are quite a few functions / packages to draw ellipses in R, but
the following is will work directly with the output of the above
get.ellipse <- function ( fit, n=360 )
# Calculate points on an ellipse described by
# the fit argument as returned by fit.ellipse
# n is the number of points to render
tt <- seq(0, 2*pi, length=n)
sa <- sin(fit$angle)
ca <- cos(fit$angle)
ct <- cos(tt)
st <- sin(tt)
x <- fit$center[1] + fit$maj * ct * ca - fit$min * st * sa
y <- fit$center[2] + fit$maj * ct * sa + fit$min * st * ca
cbind(x=x, y=y)
So if your data were in a matrix or data.frame X...
efit <- fit.ellipse( X )
e <- get.ellipse( efit )
lines(e, col="red")
Hope this helps,
On 29 September 2010 23:45, Niklaus Hurlimann <niklaus.hurlim...@unil.ch> wrote:
> Dear mailing list,
> I have following array:
> X2 Y2
> [1,] 422.7900 6.0
> [2,] 469.8007 10.5
> [3,] 483.9428 11.0
> [4,] 532.4917 25.5
> [5,] 596.1942 33.5
> [6,] 630.8496 40.5
> [7,] 733.2996 45.0
> [8,] 946.4779 32.0
> [9,] 996.8068 35.5
> [10,] 1074.3310 23.0
> I do afterwards the following:
> plot.new()
> plot.window(xlim=c(min(X1)-50,max(X1)+50),
> ylim=c(min(Y1)-25,max(Y1)+25))
> axis(2, cex.axis=1.2)
> axis(1, cex.axis=1.2)
> points(X2, Y2, type="p", pch=0, cex=1.2, col="black")
> title(main="Dyke Geometry Along Strike", cex.main=1.2, font.main=4)
> title(xlab="distance [m]", cex.lab=1.2)
> title(ylab="half-thickness [m]", cex.lab=1.2)
> box()
> I would like curve fitting where I proceeded with a non
> linear-regression with the according function below:
> nls(formula = Y2 ~ abs(b*abs(1-X2^2/a^2)^(1/2)), start = list( a=282,
> b=40))
> The formula should give the y-positive part of an ellipse in my opinion
> or I might be completely wrong.
> In the end I would like to fit a curve of half an ellipse through the
> data. I might could do this as well with a 2nd order polynomial fit. I
> am grateful for any suggestions and comments to my problem.
> Cheers
> --
> Niklaus Hürlimann
> Doctorant-PhD
> Université de Lausanne
> Institut de Minéralogie et Géochimie
> L'Anthropole
> CH-1015 Lausanne
> Suisse
> E-mail: niklaus.hurlim...@unil.ch
> Tel:+41(0)21 692 4452
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