For 100,000 rows, it took about 2 seconds to read it in on my system:

> system.time(x <- read.table('/recv/test.txt',
   user  system elapsed
   1.92    0.08    2.08
> str(x)
'data.frame':   196588 obs. of  7 variables:
 $ V1: int  1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 ...
 $ V2: chr  "bid" "ask" "ask" "bid" ...
 $ V3: chr  "CON" "CON" "CON" "CON" ...
 $ V4: chr  "09:30:00.722" "09:30:00.782" "09:30:00.809" "09:30:00.783" ...
 $ V5: chr  "09:30:00.722" "09:30:00.810" "09:30:00.810" "09:30:00.810" ...
 $ V6: num  32.7 33.1 33.1 33.1 32.7 ...
 $ V7: int  98 300 414 200 98 300 414 98 300 414 ...
> object.size(x)
6291928 bytes

Given that you have about 85 files, I would guess that you would need
about 800MB if all were 300K lines longs.  You might be getting memory
fragmentation.  You might try using gc() every so often in the loop.
What are you going to do with the data?  Are you going to make one big
file?  In this case you might want a 64 bit version since you will
have a single instance of 800K and will probably need 2-3X that much
memory if copies are being made during processing.  Object might be
larger in 64-bit.

Maybe you need to follow Gabor's advice and read it into a database
and then process it from there.

On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 5:48 PM, Gabor Grothendieck
<> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 5:39 PM, rivercode <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to find the best way to read 85 tick data files of format:
>>> head(nbbo)
>> 1 bid  CON  09:30:00.722    09:30:00.722  32.71   98
>> 2 ask  CON  09:30:00.782    09:30:00.810  33.14  300
>> 3 ask  CON  09:30:00.809    09:30:00.810  33.14  414
>> 4 bid  CON  09:30:00.783    09:30:00.810  33.06  200
>> Each file has between 100,000 to 300,300 rows.
>> Currently doing   nbbo.list<- lapply(filePath, read.csv)    to create list
>> with 85 data.frame objects...but it is taking minutes to read in the data
>> and afterwards I get the following message on the console when taking
>> further actions (though it does then stop):
>>    The R Engine is busy. Please wait, and try your command again later.
>> filePath in the above example is a vector of filenames:
>>> head(filePath)
>> [1] "C:/work/A/A_2010-10-07_nbbo.csv"
>> [2] "C:/work/AAPL/AAPL_2010-10-07_nbbo.csv"
>> [3] "C:/work/ADBE/ADBE_2010-10-07_nbbo.csv"
>> [4] "C:/work/ADI/ADI_2010-10-07_nbbo.csv"
>> Is there a better/quicker or more R way of doing this ?
> You could try (possibly with suitable additonal arguments):
> library(sqldf)
> lapply(filePath, read.csv.sql)
> --
> Statistics & Software Consulting
> GKX Group, GKX Associates Inc.
> tel: 1-877-GKX-GROUP
> email: ggrothendieck at
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Jim Holtman
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What is the problem that you are trying to solve?

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