On Oct 13, 2010, at 4:17 PM, Erik Iverson wrote:


There are probably many ways to do this, but I think
it's easier if you use a data.frame as your object.

The easy solution for the matrix you provide is escaping
me at the moment.

Perhaps using sampling to derive an index?

A[ tapply(1:100, A[,3], sample, 1), ]

> A[tapply(1:100, A[,3], sample, 1), ]
           [,1]      [,2] [,3]
[1,] -1.9512142 0.9823905    1
[2,]  1.4983879 0.4961661    2
[3,]  0.7815468 0.3531835    3
[4,] -0.9210731 0.6508500    4
[5,]  0.2354838 0.8616220    5

-- David.

One solution, using the plyr package:

A <- data.frame(a = rnorm(100),b = runif(100), c = rep(c(1,2,3,4,5), 20))
ddply(A, .(c), function(x) x[sample(1:nrow(x), 1), ])

           a         b c
1  0.02995847 0.4763819 1
2  0.72035194 0.2948611 2
3  1.34963917 0.2057488 3
4 -1.99427160 0.1147923 4
5 -0.73612703 0.5889539 5

Mauricio Romero wrote:
I want to select a subsample from my data, choosing one record from each
group. I know how to do this with a for.
For example: lets say I have the data:
Where the third column is the group variable. Then what I want is to select
5 observations. Each one taken randomly from each group.
for(index_g in  unique(A[,3])){
INDEX [i]=sample(which(A[,3]==index_g),1)
Is there a way to do this without a “for”? in other words is there a way to
“vectorize” this?
Thank you,
 Mauricio Romero Quantil S.A.S.
"It is from the earth that we must find our substance; it is on the earth that we must find solutions to the problems that promise to destroy all life
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